Monday, June 1, 2009

Never Too Big To Sit On Daddy's Knee

My wife and I, and our two sons are involved in a cildren's ministry at our church. My two sons and I were at an "End of School Bash" last night for the children's ministry. At one point in the evening, my son Joshua, who is almost 19 years old and over 6 foot tall walked over to where I was and sat down on my knee. I initially told him that he was going to hurt my knee, BUT quickly realized that this was his way of spending a few minutes with me I did not push the issue, but gladly went through a few moments of discomfort to enjoy a few more minutes with my son.

I know that one day in the not too distant future, I may no longer have that opportunity as he and my other son continue to mature into manhood. I don't know if my son realzed what THAT moment meant to me, but I'll take all of those kind of moments that I can!

I was reminded this morning, that God the Father enjoys THOSE times that we sit down on His knee and just spend time with Him. Th difference is that we will never get TOO BIG or grow so mature that we cannot sit down on His knee to spend time with Him! He loves to spend time with us. After all, THAT is why He gave His Son Jesus to reconcile us to Himself!

Sent in by EvangelistCarl Comeaux

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