Friday, June 12, 2009

Keys Please !!!

Southwest Lousiana is known world wide for its' Cajun food dishes and our Mardi Gras celebrations. It is a given fact that you either choose to go to New Orleans ,or come to Lafayette, Lousiana. People from all over the world travel to view the massive parades. During this season, a friend and I would always plan a trip to Arkansas to get totally away from all of this pagan activity. Before this story actually begins...she and I attended a church service in New Iberia Louisiana. The sermon this night was on "The Deliverance Anointing."

Webster's dicitionary defines deliverance... as rescuing or set free"         "         "       anointing..... to apply oil either medically or                                  sacramentally

The message emphasized was how God will sometimes annoint one to lay hands on the sick and they shall RECOVER. Another way to describe this is to bring life back to one who has been proclaimed the DELIVERANCE ANNOINTING of God.

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of HEAVEN; and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Matthew 16:19 (NIV)

In the bible we are called a PECULIAR people. There are some a little more than others. This descibes my friend and I. It doesn't matter whether one BELIEVES us or not when we share our "JESUS TRIPS." People of all denominations are usually interestd. It makes a great story witness tool for the Kingdom of God.....Now you might be prepared for the REST of this story....

We have now returned back from our Arkansas trip. My friend has been returned to her home. I now go inside of my own house and start to unpack. I go to check on my husband. He is in bed EARLIER than usual...An unsettling FEELING came over me...SOMETHING was wrong. His color was not quite right. He just said that he was tired...I finished unpacking and then went to bed myself....and shortly afterwards, IT HAPPENED....

I heard an UGLY groaning and gurgling noise, not HUMAN...I then SLOWLY turned to look at his face....The expression that I saw was very SCARY...I then realized that my husband was NOT breathing. His face was blue with his eyes rolled back...This was bad enough UNTIL I saw those other THINGS standing on the other side of our bed also..WAITING... They were NOT angels. There were three dark creepy shadow demons with HORRIBLE sounds heard coming out of their beings...I SUDDENLY knew that they had come to take my husband to hell....

I IMMEDIATELY started quoting THE WORD of God to bring back life to my now dead husband while also directly speaking and COMMANDING those demons from hell to leave...I didn't know CPR, but I DID know THE WORD OF GOD.... and I literally began to claimed LIFE instead of DEATH for my husband by QUOTING scripture out loud. In the midst of all of this tumoil, I had yelled for my oldest son to call an ambulance. He did..They were on their way...but God's anointing was already with me...

My husband finally started breathing and those critters from hell were all gone. God's Word had PERFORMED CPR, not me. He that WAS dead is now alive...To God be given all of the glory..Everytime that someone would try and give me the credit for saving his life, I would make it totally CLEAR that it was NOT me BUT it WAS the THE WORD OF GOD being quoted...

I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! AND I hold the keys of death and Hades..(Jesus speaking) Revelation 1:18 (NIV)

KEYS PLEASE!!!!!!!!Ask anything in His Name...and it shall be done...AMEN..

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