Saturday, June 27, 2009

Changing of the Wind

I was in the office of my boss WHEN I heard a baby crying. I stopped posting figures for our books to tune in closer to listen...I got up from my chair and then proceded to go check out the other side.There wasn't anyone but me in the building. I said "Lord, I know that you will give me the meaning to this WHEN it is your timing. I went back and continued to work.

There were no more sounds to be heard. I later went downstairs to visit with the landlord. I asked them if their grandchildren had come to vist. The answer was no. I told them that I had heard a baby cry...Now the baby didn't sound like it was in pain, or mad...just a sudden the FIRST cry of life at BIRTH.. I shared this info with our staff members. They just listened and didn't comment. What could they say? They didn't hear the baby cry, only me...

There's a noticable SHIFTING in our everyday lives these days. Families are rearranging their priorities to stretch the household budget. Businesses are cutting down in any way possible to try just hang on until the economy picks up. This is when we truly understand the definition of the word RECESSION. There is plenty of everything, we just CAN'T buy because of lack of funds. My employer has done everything he had to, to be able just to keep the busy flowing.I know that always gives God his due. He NEVER fails to short change His Reverance for God...He is known to say "I am a Jesus Man" when put into awkward situations..God will always honor those who STAND when it is hard to do so...physically and spiritually. I know that there are alot of people out there asking "How are we going to make it in SUCH TIMES AS THESE?"

ROMANS 8:28 (NIV) And we know in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

There have been alot of trying TESTS in my life and others lately, we all have strived to keep our faith in tact. I believe that "With God all things Are possible" and that he will always come through for us in His perfect Timing.

On Wednesday June 24th, 2009 The Lord whispered "There will be a changing of the tide". I was to share that with my boss. I did and a couple of days later, he shared with me the meaning the the Lord gave him personally for it. I was truly blessed.

Everything is CONTROLLED by God...the moon, the sun, the tide, the winds...our lives...IF WE LET HIM BE IN CONTROL OF IT...

MARK 4:41 (NIV) They were terrified and asked each other, "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!"

On Thursday June 25th, 2009 The Lord whispered, "There will be winds of change".
The revelation came the next day through this scripture.

EPHESIANS 4:14 (NIV) Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.

A few week back, boss and his wife were checking our offices on the other top half of our building complex when.........I noticed that he had come to a sudden stop...and seemed to be frozen in place..He had this LOOK on his face. I asked him if he was alright, and he then said "Yes, but I thought that I had heard a baby cry." He then motioned where he thought it had come from...His wife must not have heard it, because she was still busy checking the offices...I knew that he had heard THE CRY because I had heard it myself another time...I had not told him...prior to his experience...

The separate busisnesses were confirmed on Friday June 26th, 2009 to all of us..

Saturday June 27th, 2009..early mid morning...The Lord gave me this final revelation to this story.

WHEN I had heard the baby cry, I was in his office. He had heard the baby cry on the opposite other half of our top floor. The two female employess stationed on that side, have now chosen to branch off on their own. A completely new business has been BIRTHED on the side that my boss had heard the baby cry...Praise to God. We will all continue to work together helping each other, but as individual business owners..God is awesome. He definitely had a good plan for everybody...His way, not ours...

We have prayed, waited and trusted God TOGETHER in the past, and now we will see the FRUITS of our works start to manifest..(happen) When you strive to serve God, He never forgets what you have done for Him. After all, it was in His plan from the beginning..

When we are out of God's will...we are just chasing the wind...but with God........and you know the rest of the story...It's in the bible..

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Big Man/ Little Man

This story is created and written with dreams and revelations of this week. I am not your regular dreamer of dreams..I recently have begun to pray..."Lord let me not dream anything that is not of you." These dreams are short and I wake up to remember them now. In the past I usually didn't REMEMBER any of the dreams that I would have..These are different, short, and to the point with no extra details..That leaves me to depend on God for the revelation of each one.

In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Acts 2:17 (NIV)

Dream ...# 1

In this dream I see a male friend standing tall, but LARGER than life... .and then I see a miniture exact version directly behind him. A mini me...kind of thing. I knew that The Lord WOULD reveal the meaning during the week, because He always does for me to be able to write the story for my weekly post..

When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever. Proverbs 10:25 (NIV)

Dream...# 2

I see my youngest son(now 32)sitting VERY quiet on a sofa with other children. He is round 8 years old and He is dressed up in a suit with a man size long GOLD tie...In real life..this was not his normal attire at that age...even dressed up...ONLY when he served in a wedding once.."But Lord...why the long gold tie?"

And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himslef like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew: 18:3 (NIV)

Dream # 1 is the tall tall figure...(God's protection)
" ...fear is the smaller figure......(daily trials)

It holds a simular meaning as :"Is your glass half full or is it half empy?" Some of us went through trials to get the true meaning of this dream just recently...and guess what...We are stronger and wiser for the experience. The peace of God overshadows the weakness of our flesh..Hang on to The Word and continue standing and claiming it...God will prepare the way..He will always be IN FRONT if you let him...We just have to be led by His Spirit and Word...Let Him guide, and we just need to follow His lead.....Let God be in control...It is that simple....

Dream # 2 revelation...

My son is incarserated at this time, HOWEVER he has had a great transition in his life during this stay...He has truly repented and it looks like The Lord is making a way for him AGAINST all odds to be set free soon and to come home as A CHANGED MAN.. The gold tie represents him being a changed man. He has grown in The Lord...and is ready to live an honest life.. He knows now that ONLY with God's favor and his lawyer could make it happen...He has had several DIVINE interventions on his behalf and he now...knows THE TRUTH...Jesus does love him, and Jesus has not forsaken him...

Take time to draw nigh to The Lord and He will draw nigh to you...WHEREVER you may be..He will come to meet you in a way that you WILL know beyond any shadow of a doubt that God is God and He is real....Be Blessed...

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Keys Please !!!

Southwest Lousiana is known world wide for its' Cajun food dishes and our Mardi Gras celebrations. It is a given fact that you either choose to go to New Orleans ,or come to Lafayette, Lousiana. People from all over the world travel to view the massive parades. During this season, a friend and I would always plan a trip to Arkansas to get totally away from all of this pagan activity. Before this story actually begins...she and I attended a church service in New Iberia Louisiana. The sermon this night was on "The Deliverance Anointing."

Webster's dicitionary defines deliverance... as rescuing or set free"         "         "       anointing..... to apply oil either medically or                                  sacramentally

The message emphasized was how God will sometimes annoint one to lay hands on the sick and they shall RECOVER. Another way to describe this is to bring life back to one who has been proclaimed the DELIVERANCE ANNOINTING of God.

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of HEAVEN; and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Matthew 16:19 (NIV)

In the bible we are called a PECULIAR people. There are some a little more than others. This descibes my friend and I. It doesn't matter whether one BELIEVES us or not when we share our "JESUS TRIPS." People of all denominations are usually interestd. It makes a great story witness tool for the Kingdom of God.....Now you might be prepared for the REST of this story....

We have now returned back from our Arkansas trip. My friend has been returned to her home. I now go inside of my own house and start to unpack. I go to check on my husband. He is in bed EARLIER than usual...An unsettling FEELING came over me...SOMETHING was wrong. His color was not quite right. He just said that he was tired...I finished unpacking and then went to bed myself....and shortly afterwards, IT HAPPENED....

I heard an UGLY groaning and gurgling noise, not HUMAN...I then SLOWLY turned to look at his face....The expression that I saw was very SCARY...I then realized that my husband was NOT breathing. His face was blue with his eyes rolled back...This was bad enough UNTIL I saw those other THINGS standing on the other side of our bed also..WAITING... They were NOT angels. There were three dark creepy shadow demons with HORRIBLE sounds heard coming out of their beings...I SUDDENLY knew that they had come to take my husband to hell....

I IMMEDIATELY started quoting THE WORD of God to bring back life to my now dead husband while also directly speaking and COMMANDING those demons from hell to leave...I didn't know CPR, but I DID know THE WORD OF GOD.... and I literally began to claimed LIFE instead of DEATH for my husband by QUOTING scripture out loud. In the midst of all of this tumoil, I had yelled for my oldest son to call an ambulance. He did..They were on their way...but God's anointing was already with me...

My husband finally started breathing and those critters from hell were all gone. God's Word had PERFORMED CPR, not me. He that WAS dead is now alive...To God be given all of the glory..Everytime that someone would try and give me the credit for saving his life, I would make it totally CLEAR that it was NOT me BUT it WAS the THE WORD OF GOD being quoted...

I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! AND I hold the keys of death and Hades..(Jesus speaking) Revelation 1:18 (NIV)

KEYS PLEASE!!!!!!!!Ask anything in His Name...and it shall be done...AMEN..

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Friday, June 5, 2009

Special Thunder

In the year 1993 The Lord woke me up in the wee hours of morning and instructed me to pray for my UNBORN grandchid. I saw a baby WAVING it's arms in the air...and sensed that it was trying to get SOMEONE'S attention as if to say  " Hey, Look at me, I am Alive!".A few weeks had gone by, before my daughter called to inform me that she thought that she was in the process of having a miscarriage. She was at the hospital and the Doctor on call WANTED to do a D&C to remove the unborn fetus. She was refusing to let him go ahead with the procedure UNTIL an ultrasound had been done first. She was calling me for prayer....She really believed that the baby was STILL ALIVE.....The above vision was brought back to my memory. I then shared that info along with the fact that MY GOD would not have me praying for a DEAD baby, this baby was alive! She then informed the doctor that an ultrasound had to be done first.....The Doctor was enraged and INSISTED that the baby was dead...I told her to go to another hospital for a second opinion...and  that she did so promptly. Financially, she really couldn't afford to go to another hospital due to no insurance coverage.During the ultrasound, the staff member was told of what the other doctor had said. The screen monitor was then turned away from the eyes of my daughter. This is what the person said "This baby is alive and even waving it's arms in the air"...Praise to the Lord....No abortion to be done today...The Lord had definitely intervened for this small life not to be snuffed out. The enemy's plan had been spoiled.the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and BREATHED into his nostrils the BREATH of life, and the man became a living being.   GENESIS 2:7  (NIV)

   I called the first hospital to report the story, the doctor and of course the end results of a live baby.. They insisted on PAYING all of the expenses at their hospital, and then HELPED my daughter get a medical card to help pay the expenseof the second hospital WHEN our baby would be born...and we let them. The Doctor was fired and we didn't sue.

A beautiful healthy almost 8 lb. baby girl was born in 1993. She has a voice that roars like thunder. This gift is now benefiting her as a new elected high school upcoming varsity cheerleader...God makes no mistakes..

I would like to quote a close friend "God sure does make BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN." Everyday I am reminded...that she truly is a BREATHING creation from God..

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Monday, June 1, 2009

Never Too Big To Sit On Daddy's Knee

My wife and I, and our two sons are involved in a cildren's ministry at our church. My two sons and I were at an "End of School Bash" last night for the children's ministry. At one point in the evening, my son Joshua, who is almost 19 years old and over 6 foot tall walked over to where I was and sat down on my knee. I initially told him that he was going to hurt my knee, BUT quickly realized that this was his way of spending a few minutes with me I did not push the issue, but gladly went through a few moments of discomfort to enjoy a few more minutes with my son.

I know that one day in the not too distant future, I may no longer have that opportunity as he and my other son continue to mature into manhood. I don't know if my son realzed what THAT moment meant to me, but I'll take all of those kind of moments that I can!

I was reminded this morning, that God the Father enjoys THOSE times that we sit down on His knee and just spend time with Him. Th difference is that we will never get TOO BIG or grow so mature that we cannot sit down on His knee to spend time with Him! He loves to spend time with us. After all, THAT is why He gave His Son Jesus to reconcile us to Himself!

Sent in by EvangelistCarl Comeaux

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