Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Reverse the Curse

Several years ago I joined a Christian outreach that was known for it's radical opposition to the traditional well known Halloween celebrations.  During the October 31 season each year,this Christian outreach  would present reality scenes depicting wrong choices in life and the consequences that they would bring.  There were scenes of family abuse, drug related situations, school shootings, wrecks caused by driving while intoxicated, an abortion scene and many more. Whatever the timely topic of news would be that year, could be incorporated into a new scene. Originally it was known as "Hell House" and later was taken to the highways and byways. The new name became "Final Exit". I was an intercessor behind the scenes. Webster's Dictionary defines intercession as "act of interceding". I became a faithful intercessor for this outreach since 1995. I would make myself available every time that it would come to our town. An intercessor is one who prays for others. I called myself a trouble shooter for The Lord. I was one of many volunteers who prayed behind the scenes. Occasionally one of us would be called to pray for a certain situation or person. Webster's Dictionary defines discern as "to distinguish clearly" One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is to discern what is of God and what is not...Spiritual eyes allows us to clearly see into the spiritual world...things that not all can see. Spiritual ears lets us hear what others may not be able to. I asked The Lord one day, "Why Lord are you letting me see and hear these things?" A voice from within said "So that you will know how to pray against these things NOT of me."I didn't announce this gift to the world. I had learned THAT lesson early on from God in years before. Only a close prayer partner and close friend knew..She and I had the same gift of the Holy Spirit and we were both always in one accord. We just followed the leading of the Holy Spirit and LISTENED and OBEYED...Alot of awesome stories that haven't yet been written concerning this ministry will start today with this one. The organizer began to recognize this gift from God that operated within me. He started calling me out to PERSONLY be involved in certain areas when needed. I was blessed and God got all of the Glory and not me. This year I was drawn to faithfully stand and pray for the family abuse scene. I found myself stationed on a regular basis behind this scene this year. Stranger than usual people started coming in large groups to these events. Weird to some, but satanic in definition to me and others. It became very obvious that the closer that it got to the Halloween date, the more we would experience ODD encounters, and not of the Godly kind. My attention was drawn to watch this certain lady that had come in dressed in a coat with a flowing scarf. It was October and unusually warm for this particular night. A coat of it's weight was not needed. As I watched her through a peep hole, in the family abuse scene area, I saw her SLOWLY start to unwrap her scarf..She let it hang loosely down her shouulders. Then she took one end and began to wind it SLOWLY around her neck. She would then use her other hand to pull it around to the opposite side. It was when she sped up the motion that I SUDDENLY realized that she was making the rapid flowing figure 8. I asked "Lord what is she doing?" The Holy Spirit replied, "She is casting a curse." I then was instructed to  say "Reverse the Curse in the name of Jesus, the name above all names and send it back to the sender". The person suddenly seem to stop and then focus her eyes directly in my direction. She KNEW that someone was there praying against what she was doing. I hurriedly made other intercessors aware of what was taking place. We united together,watched and prayed her out of the building. The power of prayer ALWAYS will scatter our enemies. That was only the beginning as to what else would take place the next night. More of those stories will come later.This person was definitely not of God...We were later informed that she was actually a PRATICING WITCH...Her occult followers came the next night. We were ready and prayed up and not afraid. God is always one step ahead of the enemy and his tatics. That story will be called "Crutches left Behind".

There are many gifts of The Holy Spirit. The one operating in this story is classified as: discerning of spirits.

KJV: 1 Corinthians 12:10

Read more about this in your Bible.. Be the light in the darkness. Send in your testimonies to:

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sally's Story

Do you remember WHEN you were first saved and on fire for The Lord? Remember the many awesome things that would happen to strengthen and confirm to you that God was real and not just someone to read about? Some describe this as Our First Love. You hunger to seek guidance from the Word of God for everything in your life. The bible becomes your main source of info. It becomes your concordance for answers to all of your questions. The Word of God takes on a totally new and exciting meaning in your life. The Word becomes a Living Word magnified to us along with understanding. The following is how I met my friend Sally C.

I live in a neighborhood that is very quiet. Neighbors stay to themselves. If a neighbor is in need, however, we pass this information on to all of the neighbors. We help when help is needed. It was on one of these occassions that a family was in need of food. A friend had informed me and so I gathered supplies to go deliver. Right away I knew that this lady was a christian. She quoted God's Word often. I began to go visit and still do to this day. Through that friendship she also introduced me to her next door neighbor Sally. Before long the three of us became very close friends and met on a regular basis at least once a week.

Sally always had a radiant smile. She always seemed to be full of so much joy. Our conversations circled around God and His Word. We laughed, we shared and we just plain enjoyed each other's company over coffee. This was a weekly gathering between the three of us for several years.

One iced mid afternoon as Sally was leaving to go home next door after one of these visits she slipped and fell coming down the broken brick door step. She was in extreme pain. By the expression on her face, I knew that she was hurt bad. Her leg APPEARED to be badlly broken just below the knee. You could see the bone just underneath the surface of skin. Her mother wasn't home and she didn't want to go to the hospital. She was full of fear. I held her and prayed to calm her. The Lord gave me insight as to WHY she was afraid to go to the hospital. I was led by The Holy Spirit to place my hand on the injured and pray for my friend. She did finally agree to call an ambulance and we did. She was promptly transported.

I received a phone call a couple of hours later from Sally asking that I come to her house. I was amazed that she was back home already. Her mother was there and I immediately looked at her leg. There was hardly any noticeable bruising. Sally began to share that once she was in the ambulance, she was overcome with a warm peaceful feeling. By the time that she reached the hospital, the leg looked totally different. God literally healed that leg by divine intervention inside of that ambulance on the way to the hospital. The leg that we were now looking at was NOT the injured leg that had sent her to the hospital emergency room.

Sally shared with me on that day that she had never before believed in miracles, but God had made her a true believer this day. I wanted to share the above info to be able to share the following. Sally and I continued for many years to communicate with each other. Her health began to fail and she would call me for prayer requests for her personal needs, and for others. Over the years, she would be diagnosed with many afflictions. Through it all, her smile never faded and she continued to hang on to her faith. We stayed in close contact.

Sally went to be with The Lord just recently and I wanted to share this last conversation that we had. My youngest brother had died recently and I shared his last conversation with me with her. Sonny had said "If we didn't see each other on earth, that we would definitely see each other in Heaven". My brother died 2 weeks later. He had died in his sleep. Sally replied "If it is my time, then I want The Lord to let me die that way also." About 2 weeks later her request was honored by God. I did share this news with the family later.

The Sally I had met many years ago had changed physically BUT her smile and sweet spirit never left. She was a true friend to me and anyone else that she chose to be friends with.

Neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength
Nehemia 8:10 (KJV)

No matter what storm may rage in your life, let God's Word become your anchor to to bring you through.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.
Psalms 34:19 (KJV)

Has anyone touched your life in a special way? Then send your stories in, let's keep the light shining and their memories alive at

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I loved making trips to my grandmother's house in Arkansas, and so did my friends. Depending on what friend would be with me, would determine what kind of trip I was going to have. Example, with one friend, we could usually expect paranormal events to take place from the spiritual world. With another friend, we would take outrageous and almost unbelievable and hilarious unbelievable adventures . Our Arkansas trips ALWAYS turned into good stories to share with others later on. God does have an awesome sense of humor. He even chooses my friends for me...all so different but lovable.

When my funds and business calendar would allow, I along with a friend or sister would plan a trip to the lighthouse in Arkansas for some good rest and relaxation time. We always looked forward to a visit with my grandmother and of course hear her repeated stories of her youth. It was NORMALLY an 8 hour drive from my home in Louisiana to Arkansas at that time. There were no interstates then, just two lane winding roads with lots of slow moving traffic. We started out around 3pm on this Friday.

I was a pro at packing and so it only it took me maybe a total of 20 minutes to pack and be ready to leave. I also encouraged everyone to pack light also. I was ready to go to the car...WHEN the Holy Spirit instructed me "Take your bible and a flashlight." Now these were two items that were always in my car on any given trip. However, I decided to go get new batteries for the flashlight, JUST IN CASE. I knew that something unusual was going to happen during this trip because of the extra reminder from The Holy Spirit.

Leaving earlier than our usual time would let us get to Arkansas sooner than we normally would. I called grandmother and told her the approximate time to expect us. She would be waiting for our arrival. The friend with me was partially blind and loved to ride and take in all of the scenery. The 8 hour trip was usually filled with laughter and listening to our gospel music or tapes. It always went by fast, and before you knew it, we were at our destination...NOT THIS TIME.

Before I started letting friends go with me, I had never gotten lost. I had my route and usually stuck with that plan. There was no need for maps, but I was a just in case person. With that said, maps of the different states could be found in my car.

Into a now 4 hour trip, NOTHING looked familiar. We were getting alot of detours to roads that weren't even on our maps because of road construction. We should have been in Shreveport Louisiana by now, but we were not. I had this gut feeling that we were lost and in trouble. That friend took out a map. I assumed that she was a pro at reading one, but later to my surprise, I would find out it to be the opposite. During these long hours of driving, there weren't any road signs to be seen to let us know where we were, or where we might want to go. Just pitch black darkness. Nothing was lit up with lights. It looked like my friend and I were also the only vehicle on the road. Worry started to kick in. It was now around 11 hours and we were no way where we needed to be. We were definitely lost, but where?

We were extremely low on gas and also in desperate need to find a restroom. It was now Saturday morning around 2 am ,no longer Friday. I knew by this time, that grandmother was probably was real worried by now. She could always depend on me like clockwork on my arrival time. I just said a simple prayer for her not to call our homes because of her concern. Finally, we found this old gas station. I pulled up, and naturally it was closed for the rest of the week. A sign was posted "Wolf puppies for Sale". With our plan to stop and relieve ourselves, this was not a good thing to read. Sure enough, here comes a pack of dogs...or were they? That's when the Holy Spirit reminded me to get out my bible and the flashlight, but they were both in the rear trunk of the car. I definitey needed extreme faith to get out with those dogs roaming nearby. We began to pray "Lord blind the eyes of those dogs and not let them see us." We were going to have to get out for this bathroom break. We did, and it was done fast. It seemed like a bright light just flooded over us during this private time. I thought great, "Now the dogs will definitely see us". They didn't and then I hurriedly got the the bible and the flashlight afterwards. Together we began to pray and wait on the Lord to give us scripture to read and guide us. Only God knew where we were, and only God could get us to the next gas station that would be open in his timing. The following scripture was given to us, and by flashlight we read it together.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3-6 (KJV)

We were definitely waiting and depending on God to help us. It was now around 6 am and finally a car was scene passing on the highway in front of us. At 7 am we took a giant leap of faith believing that we would have enough gas to get us to the nearest open station. We prayed and then started the car. Within maybe 1 block, from where we had been parked for several hours, t was ta brightly lit up gas station. A welcomed aroma of freshly baked biscuits was in the air as I pulled up to the gas pump. Before turning off the motor, I then noticed that the fuel gauge showed 1/4 registered. I just had shown empty with the flashing red warning lights earlier. I was sure God had something to do with that. (smile)

We purchased some biscuits along with the needed gas. We also found out that we were now in Jasper Arkansas. I might add the top of the map of Arkansas, too many miles north of where we needed to be. We shared our story with the worker, and she laughed along with us. We also got accurate directions to get to grandmother's house from there. 21 hours later we drove up to that lighthouse. I was going to let my friend tell grandmother WHY we were so late. She said that she didn't know what to say. As my friend entered ahead of me, grandmother could be heard saying "I don't know where those girls are!" My friend replied "We are the girls, we are finally here" I asked the Lord what my explanation was going to be. Out of my mouth I said "Little Mother, all I can say is that it is getting harder and harder to get to grandmaw's house." We would go rest for a little while. When we would get up, we would then tell her the whole story. Like always, it did end up being an interesting adventure..

My grandmother had an interesting saying "Something good can always come out of something bad, but nothing bad can ever come out of something good."

The revelation to me from thise trip was, without God and His word, we would probably be still driving blindly trying to find our way home. His word and that flashlight gave us hope when nothing but darkness surrounded us.

On the flip side, my friend turned out to be dyslexic, blind and couldn't read a map any better than I did. She got to ride a long..............ride and I got tested on my patience level...........We both passed the test and are still friends. Two years later, I pulled out that map to see EXACTLY what our course had been...Yes, we still laugh today about it. We had made a complete circle from the bottom of Louisiana to the tree tops of Jasper Arkansas. I still have that map .. Enjoy...

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