Sunday, August 29, 2010


When we think of a closet, we think of what is INSIDE of it. It usually has allot of things that we don't use anymore, or what we think we may eventually use again.

The New Webster's Dictionary definies it as, a recess built into a room and shut off with a door, or a small room for storing things.

This story has been weighing on my heart for awhile now. It is not supernatural, but it is the truth that I have not wanted to write concerned that some may be offended. With the signs of the times approaching so fast these days, we as Christians need to take and stand and start VOICING our concerns in these troubling times.

I am sometimes in awe of how church going people will hide their christianity from the world and take it out for others to see ONLY when it is a convenient thing for them to do. I am one who likes to clean out and give away items that are not being used often. My wardrobe is very basic. In my closet you will find mostly t-shirts and a couple of pair of jeans on one side. In the middle hanging you will find some work basic clothes. To the right is all of my dressy clothes. I am not a shoe fanatic, but I do have more than one pair, mostly black or brown, casual or dressy. ONE closet is enough.

My grandmother would say "I may not have all that I want, but I do have all that I need". As I get older I am understanding more and more of why she had shared this with me. Another saying was, "If you have God and a good name, then that is all you need to get what you need." I have tested out this theory and she was right.

In these days I have run across many people who used to be devout church attending members who are not going to any church now. Most of the reasons given are because they have been offended in some way. These are people who I thought would never STOP going to church, but more people are doing this these days.

We are supposed to WALK the walk and not just TALK the talk. Someone once told me many years ago that they had been accused of using CHRISTIANITY conveniently only when it would benefit them. It dug deep into my spirit, because it did have some truth to it. I have known some people like that.

Once you walk out of your home, is it like walking out of a closet and shutting the door and leaving all the junk behind? Are you a totally different person OUTSIDE for others to see? We may be hiding our issues from the world, but God SEES all. Are you following your faith, or are you just going through the motions of pretending to be a christian?

If our life inside of our homes does not line up with the will of God, then it is time to do some house cleaning. It is time to take the trash out of our lives and take a true stand as bible believing CHRISTIANS.

2 Corinthians 5:17...Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
(NIV Study Bible)

How much of your old world is still in your house? Which master do you represent? Don't be that closet christian...

Story written by Angel Writer