Friday, December 11, 2009

Louisiana Heartbeats

Praise Music Production is a name that was given to the ministry formed between a close friend and I in 1995. This vision was a God given assignment to promote local unknown gospel artists. She had come with a friend to my beauty shop. There was something about her that seemed to connect with me STRONGLY. A short time later she began to come visit often with me in my shop . We had no idea then that God had plans in motion to join us together and create a MUSIC MINISTRY in our near future....

My customers were not just clients, but everyone was considered as friends. We soon discovered that we had ALOT in common and that our paths had already crossed a few years back while she still worked at a local furniture store. She was now disabled due to back problems. Not only did our past have alot in common, but now our present would also. She began sharing with me information about a newly formed Christian Radio station that she had started listening to. During the day she would call and leave messages on my answer machine to let me know what was happening at this station. I eventually bought a radio and listened to it in my shop daily. It wasn't long before we both soon discovered that we were hooked on Christian music, all styles....

We began to plan shopping trips together to go and check out the specials at the Chrisitan Store at the town mall. Wearing scripture T-Shirts with blue jeans was our daily wardrobe. We were always on the lookout for new ones to purchase from the sales racks. Sometimes we would not buy and we would wait until the prices would be reduced even more. It became a weekly outing for us. It was there that we soon started testing out the samples of the new Christian Music releases. When there was a free set of earphones, we would take turns, plug in and jam to the music. We were thoroughly enjoying ourselves singing and laughing. We were just being us. While waiting for a set of earphones to become available, we became aware of other voices singing. Some of these voices were awesome. We were not the only ones enjoying the music...

God woke me up one early morning around 2 am and said in an unaudible voice " I want you to SHOWCASE my people who are singing for me". I shared it with my new found friend. Praise Music Production was then formed by 2 people who loved The Lord and Christian music. We soon became known as "The Music Ladies". We learned how to create a contact list, organize, and then promote music events using the people on our music contact list.The Lord knew where the local undiscovered talent was. He knew their HEARTS and their DESIRES to sing for Him, and He sent them in our paths to be discovered in some very interesting ways... It wasn't hard to form a list. We would approach singers and say "We are Praise Music Production. We showcase people who want to sing for The Lord. We don't charge, we don't pay, and we don't get paid to get bookings for you, and for FREE. Would you like to be on our contact list?" We had no trouble keeping a large contact list.

We took steps of faith and sometimes even leaps trusting that The Lord would continue to instruct and guide us, and He did just that.....From 1994 to 2004 , a total of 10 years ,we faithfully followed the call from God to SHOWCASE GOSPEL talent only...In 2004, my music partner suffered a stroke and I had a massive heart attack. We have been restored recently to better health for the NEW SEASON. The Lord showed me while I was sick that "The season is NOT is just CHANGED." Something new was going to happen. I could feel the new season coming. Louisiana Heart/Beats will be the new season to take promoting our local and statewide Louisiana talent to television and the internet for more exposure. Doors of opportunities continue to open to be able to do this...A new assignment..A new name...

There is this picture that hangs on the wall at my friend's place of business. I have see this picture many times over the years and have stood BELIEVING the scripture Isaaih 40:31 that is written on it. This morning The Holy Spirit said "Look at the eagle again. It is getting ready to fly. Now look at the trees BEHIND the eagle. What does that look like?" I said "Lord, that looks like a heart beat monitor." The Lord then said " Louisiana Heart Beats". You are getting ready to SOAR for me. Yes, your heart beats for me and a new season is getting ready to begin." The Holy Spirit then instructed me to take the name Louisiana Heart Beats and break it down again like this.....Louisiana He(art)Beats.. to then read....He Beats..... ( Lord Beats)..... in our hearts.

The name and season has changed but the vision has remained the same all these years. Louisiana Heart/Beats... will be showcasing 2 separate categories under that one name. Authors, writers, businesses and ministries will featured under the category...HEART... and music guests will be showcased under the category BEATS.. The finished product will soon be on television and the internet. God is still the author and the finisher of our faith. He is still in control....

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint.....
Isaiah 40:31 (NIV Study Bible)

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

White Eagle

The white eagle was one of the figures that my friend and I had seen in the spiritual realm on a mountain top on a recent Arkansas trip. That visual seemed to stay etched into my memory and on my mind as time went on. Why was the eagle white? I knew that The Lord would reveal the answer to me, and that it would not be too far away, and He did..

While sitting in my kitchen one morning a few weeks later, I began to see forms SUDDENLY developing on my kitchen cabinets. They were POPPING out everywhere! I reached for the telephone to call my prayer partner and traveling friend. I began to describe to her what I was seeing in the SPIRITUAL realm. There was a variety of different scenes becoming VISABLE to my eyes. The young Indian male warrior with his single split feather and the chief and his full head gear could both be seen clearly now. Then there was the totem pole, the t-pee with the smoke coming out of its ceiling. Oh my goodness, the mountain top canvas was now coming alive on my kitchen cabinets and den walls. Oh great, even the hamburger demon was now looking down at me from the cabinet above my kitchen sink. This was the only one that really troubled me...Who was he and what did he represent? Why was I seeing him?

My den now was a canvas full of running horses, rabbits, dogs, wolves, birds, and yes the soaring WHITE EAGLE. The same things that we had see on on the mountain top was now with me in my home. I would close my eyes, when I would reopen them, the figures were all still there. I have Apache Indian blood running through my veins. I began to believe that these scenes had SOMETHING to do with my Indian heritage, or someone else's, and they did....

Within that week, I had received a special invitation to go hear a guest preacher in a nearby town. As I entered the small building, a man in a white suit caught my attention, I heard in my spirit "WHITE EAGLE". It turned out that this man had been adopted and raised by an Apache Indian tribe. He was sharing his life story with the church congregation. My attention kept focusing on the cross necklace that hung around his neck. After the service had ended, I was led to go ask him what was his Indian name. He grasped the cross and replied "White Eagle". I then shared with him the story of the manifestations on my kitchen cabinets and den walls. His words were "Are you a warrior or ARE you on a warrior's path? You have been signaled out by God and given a special assignment." I did not know the answer...yet...but would later on....

This speaker then seemed to become more interested in talking to me about the different healing rituals that his tribe still practiced. It wasn't long before I KNEW that the figure that had bothered me the most, was known as the witch doctor, or MEDICINE MAN. He began to proclaim that a lot of their spiritual treatments really worked. In a low voice he murmured, "This is something that as preacher of the gospel that I don't normally share." What was I to do with this new found information, if anything?

I researched my encyclopedias and found pictures that looked identical to the ones that had seen manifest on the mountain top turn around and my home walls. With this new revelation, I now realized that only God could continue to guide and lead me and answer all of my questions.

The PREACHER MAN had asked me "Are you a WARRIOR or are you on a WARRIOR'S path? Many years later, I have that answer.....I am a PRAYER WARRIOR on the path that God has destined for me. I am like that WHITE EAGLE, I am free to soar by The Holy Spirit where ever The Lord instructs me to go. The White Eagle represents THE HOLY SPIRIT. In another story, I will share THE GIFT OF HEALING...

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3: 5-6 (NIV Study Bible)

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Turn Around

A noticable odor seemed to SUDDENLY enter into my room. It was a smell that I had experienced before. It had this distinct odor. I asked "Lord, what is that?" The Holy Spirit replied "It is the smell of death." When I think of death, I automatically think of the funeral home and THAT certain smell. That smell was now in my room. Just incase that it was not of God, I commanded it to flee in the name of Jesus and the odor went away...Was this a warning of something to come?...

That same night as I closed my eyes to sleep, I was suddenly seeing a rapid picture slide show. There were numerous evil faces flashing literally before my eyes. The speed was almost unbelievable to the human mind...I sat up in my bed and began to pray. I asked "Lord, what do these visions represent, and what do they mean?" The Holy Spirit replied, "These are the many faces of death. Their names are Legion." The word Legion is not a good word to be heard by the Christian's ear. This means more than one demonic spirit, MANY..Sometimes the spirit will even manifest and become visual in appearance for one to see...

Webster's Dictionary defines MANIFEST as; to SHOW plainly; to be evident..

My friend and I have seen many of these manifestations..where something in the spiritual realm will suddenly take on a human shape and become visable to the human eye IF revealed by God..

However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him___but God has REVEALED it to us by His Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2: verses 9-10 (NIV Study Bible)

It was on one of our trips to Cove Arkansas that this story begins. After 4 hours on the road, we needed a lunch and bathroom break. We stopped at this hamburger place. My friend went to the restroom before ordering our food. While I waited for her to come back, I found myself watching the workers perform their different jobs to assemble each hamburger order.

SUDDENLY...I saw something that appeared to be human, but not quite human standing near one of the workers..It had on a uniform like the rest. This was a tall skeleton, with deep black eye sockets and a few strands of hair on its' head. He looked like a devil worshipper with the white dead pale looking face with red eyes... WAIT..I had to be seeing this in the spiritual world..because no one else seemed to be bothered by its DEATHLY appearance except me.....

I began to ask God for the true understanding of what was happening. The form could be seen moving slowly among the workers and peering over their shoulders briefly one at a time. The workers didn't seem to be bothered by this. The thing was now watching me from behind the check out register. "Lord, I must be the ONLY one seeing this manifestation. No one else seemed to be scared or even aware of its' ugly presence. This guy belonged in a horror film and definitely NOT serving food in a place of business..He reminded me of The Joker character...another visual description...He never spoke...just nodded his head...

My friend was now back and standing in line to place our food orders. I no longer saw THE THING. Either it had totally vanished, or had taken a break OUTSIDE somewhere. I shared with my friend of what I had seen. She looked around but could not see ANYTHING or anybody. We continued to eat while I updated her with the info. Once we had finished our meal, I then saw that it WAS BACK and sittting one table away from us to OUR right. I then asked God to let my friend SEE what I was seeing and He did..She described everything and even where it was now sitting....It then
disappeared again. It was time for us to continue on our trip...

As we headed out the door, THE THING was now seen standing near the hood of my car. She and I together...COMMANDED it to flee in the name of Jesus and it did. Things like this no longer bothered us. She and I had been on many of these do da do da trips like this...We always EXPECT the UNEXPECTED....

More was revealed to us on a mountain top turn around. We always went to a certain scenic spot to stand on the mountain to take in all of the beauty of the valleys below...We were up above the clouds looking down. It was always BREATH TAKING....This time our cut out mountain had been turned into a ROCK canvas. All kinds of images could be seen now etched on the mountain stone. We had been there many times over the many years and they were never there before. It was as if the mountain turn around was wanting to tell us individual special stories.

We saw a breath taking beautiful Indian Princess with her long black braided hair. There was young male Indian with a single feather that was partially split, a chief with his full feather head ornament, t-pees with smoke coming out of them, Indian mothers carrying papooses on their backs, flying eagles,running horses, rabbits, dogs..and even manifestations in trees among the leaves looking down at us...That leads into another story to be written later "WHITE EAGLE" which will talk more about generational curses....which some of these pictures represented...

If we can SEE we will know HOW to pray against the wiles of the enemy. We took pictures and yes..these figures...even the now visable to anyone who wants to see....We get to tell the story over and over that makes the pictures COME ALIVE to the listener..and even more interesting... It is all TRUE.....

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Rose Bud

As I reached out to comfort a friend regarding her recent loss of a baby, my own similar experience was replayed in my memory. I carried my first baby, a boy for 8 months before I lost him to death. I have known and had God in my life for many years. After the loss of my infant son, an even stronger relationship and understanding with God has developed.....

I was very resentful of my siter-in-law who gave birth to a healthy baby boy just a few months after my loss. She was experiencing postpartum depression also, which I didn't understand at the time. This was partly due to my being so young. She was crying alot and I didn't understand why. She was so blessed to have her beautiful baby and I didn't have mine. She should have been very happy. I even believed that she was also crying because she had possibly wanted a girl and not a boy. Wow, was I ever wrong!.....

It took me a long time and a lot of tears to get past my deep loss of my child. I finally got pregnant again approximately one year afterwards. That was after I knew that my husband could bear the idea of us having another child so soon. We needed to remember that we were not the only ones hurting and grieving. Our friends and families were sad also....

When I was 2 months pregnant with our next baby, I was in an automobile accident. My car was totaled due to a man running a red light. As I stepped out of the damaged car, I suddenly remembered at that moment that I was pregnant.....

It was too soon to hear my baby's heartbeat, so God placed in my thoughts, "If your baby makes it through this accident, it will make it to the end." A beautiful baby girl was born and grew into a a young lady. She will soon become an Optometrist. We were blessed again later with another baby boy..After he was older, he was told about his brother that had died years before. Once he was old enough to understand, he then said, "Mom, what IF God fixed me and sent me back?" Wow, I was so blown away by that statement. From out of the mouth of babes will come the truth. Right?.....

No matter what we believe or try to understand, we must first know that The Good
Lord does have a purpose. I choose to believe that my baby didn't survive because there would have been possible health problems. I wouldn't have wanted to watch him suffer all of his life..I choose also to believe that God reached down and took him before I could get attached to him....

A friend of mine had lost a baby also. She said that after the death of their child, that she and her husband took comfort in this bible scripture..(please forgive me if I misquote..2 Peter 3:8) ...A day is but a thousand years, and a thousand years is but a day in God's Kingdom..(my friend did the math)..It will have seemed like ONLY minutes in time that would have passed, before we join our little ones in Heaven..We will see our sweet little babies there. They will be healthy and waiting there to be loved by us....

I know now that He chose me to help heal other broken hearts by sharing my story to grieving mothers. I truly understand their sorrow. I have been in their shoes. May
God bless you all with His constant Love and Grace..

SOMETIMES God reaches down and picks the ROSE BUD to watch it BLOOM in Heaven......

Story sent in by Cindy..To help other hurting parents...cope...

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Monday, October 5, 2009

Back Burner

This story began many years ago. I had just sat down at my kitchen snack bar with a cup of coffee. I could visually see my son's jeep parked in the drive way through my kitchen window where I now sat in front of. As I sipped on the morning brew, I suddenly saw SOMETHING inside of the jeep. There appeared to be some kind of dark hovering shadow that came to my attention. Then I saw what appeared to be my youngest son sitting from behind the steering wheel in his jeep. SOMETHING was terribly wrong with this picture... WAIT, this is impossible, because my son was asleep in his bed in his room. Then the dark shadow took on an odd form and floated over from the back seat to the front seat now enclosing my son in this dark cloud. "Lord, why am I seeing this, I asked?" The Holy Spirit replied in that still small voice "So that you can see what you need to pray against."

I went to check again to be sure that my son was still sleeping in his room,and he was. I then returned to my stool and began to pray never taking my eyes off of that thing in the jeep. I picked up the phone and dialed a Christian. I described what I was seeing and together we agreed for it to FLEE. Slowly the evil thing retreated to the back seat gradually turning its head away from me. It then vanished from view, and so did the form of my son sitting behind the wheel.

Total revelation came that there would be more episodes like this one to come, and that the enemy of darkness was going to try to destroy my child. I began to fervently cling and quote all of God's word on a daily basis to come against that from ever happening. There are many ways to detour one onto the path of wrong, and that is by a wrong CHOICE. My faith was going to be tested to the extreme, and I knew it. I would have to stand and believe God's word when these trials would come and they did..

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

We live by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7 (NIV)

I have literally been chasing this boy since he was 18 months old. He was one that needed to be constantly monitored. He was always trying out experiments, fixing or building things, always busy. One example of his kind of adventures was as follows. He could scale up the television outside antenna pole, run across the top of the roof, and be down before being caught. I operated a beauty shop inside of my home. I had noticed that I was hearing a lot of thunder on bright sun shiny days. I finally caught him coming down. He was finally busted. I` knew early on that he would be the one sibling that was going to give me a run for my money literally. He did things that his oldest sister and brother had never even thought of. He was a chance taker, a dare devil...

The teen years brought on unwanted friends. His attitude changed and he was hard to control. The saying "Birds of a feather flock together", "Guilty by association", all true. Through the years he has been accused of many things. He however, always managed to clear himself WITHOUT my help. Cops were always knocking on our door looking for our son or someone that he knew. I would just assume that they were watching my son and eventually would come knocking at my door, and they did...

During one of these raids, I found myself praying AGAIN, "Lord please help me through this trial. The Holy Spirit replied "TRUST ME" I said, Lord I trust you, it's my son that I don't trust." This reply has brought me through my longest test ever just recently. He was incarcerated November 27th 2007. Major charges were against him that could put him in jail for approximately 60 years. It looked like an impossible situation.I regularly told my son that "Only God and a good lawyer could get him out of this." When I would want to doubt, I could still hear "TRUST ME." I serve a God that takes impossibilities and makes a way for circumstances to be made possible. I was going to BELIEVE and stand on The Word of God that these charges would be dropped and they were on September 24th 2009. After almost 2 years of WAITING to be freed, he will be coming home soon. There is just one more minor thing that has to be done, and it will finally happen. My God is not finished with His Plan for my son yet.

Picture your kitchen stove and the 4 burners. They are different in size for a reason. We may start out cooking on the front burner and then gradually move that same pot to the back burner on a lower temperature. We have a choice to keep it simmering or just turn it off. Sometimes we think that we have turned it off to only find out that the burner is still on. The food will be either burnt, or will be saved in the nick of time. Like the food on the back burner, my son has been saved just in time..God's perfect timing.

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)

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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Spiritual Collision

I had traveled this highway many times, but today would be different. As I was nearing the town intersection, the light was STILL green and then it happened. SUDDENLY there was a car crossing in front of me carrying 2 elderly people. All I had time for, was to yell JESUS... while riding my brakes. I could hear the squeeling of my tires as I came to an ABRUPT stop, just inches away from plowing into the driver's door. It didn't happen even though I was so close, that I could actually see their faces looking directly into my eyes. My bumper was just inches away from crushing the door of their car. They never tried to stop. It was as if I had been INVISABLE to them, and so they just continued crossing in front of me.

I was now stopped directly UNDER the red light and traffic from all directions was still flowing uninterupted. It was as if no one was aware of what had just happened or ALMOST HAPPENED...Not one person blew their horn in protest. Not one person slowed down their driving speed. All traffic continued to flow smoothly around me. There was no traffic jam created. I slowly drove through the intersection and parked my car on the side emergency lane to gather my thoughts. "Lord, what just happened?" I asked..The Holy Spirit responded..."You just had a Spiritual Collision." I didn't really understand this revelaton from The Holy Spirit until just recently, many years later. Fear came first...almost wrecked...but Faith...calling on the name JESUS prevented the collision.

My boss just recently made the statement "I have a feeling that Faith & Fear are getting ready to collide." The above incident was recalled to my memory. I totally depend on the The Lord to prepare me to write these stories..and alot of things have TRIED to stop me, BUT FINALLY, IT IS POSTED on this web page where it belongs.. FEAR came first...almost wrecked...but FAITH...calling on the name of JESUS prevented that collision...

An old Alfred Hitchcock thriller story many years ago still bothers me. I couldn't watch many of them. The Twilight Zone would be it's replacement today. Now it has once more crept back into my memory to finish this story. If you are 50-60years of age now, you may remember the weirdness of that show ending. Today I understand it. After all, with age does come wisdom and understanding.

There was this sweet man who drove an ice cream truck. He was always so cheerful and eager to wake up and get ready to go to work every morning. He always greeted his customers of all ages with a SMILE. Most of the show featured him just SITTING inside of his truck and scooting from one position to another to reach the treat of choice. Sometimes he would give the item away if anyone couldn't afford to pay him. You soon realized that he never turned around. He seemed to have limited body movement. When he was alone and there were no customers, you could also hear another voice that seemed to come from within the truck also. It sounded mean and negative, but we could never SEE who it was. In those days, we just assumed that we were just hearing him talking to himself...wrong...

It was a situation of good versus evil. Imagine a duplicate of yourself ATTACHED to your back from birth to your age now. Your front is a good twin (positive), and your connected twin is the evil one (negative) constantly talking to you. Good and evil can't survive together for too long. Eventually one will become the stronger personality. Sadly, the evil personality in this story did end up bashing the good twin against the wall and killing him.

It wasn't long before the evil twin realized that he was going to die also. He had responded out of anger to destroy his good twin and now he was paying the consequences of his actions. Sometime WRONG decisions CAN end up destroying us....

Isaiah: 30:21 (NIV)

Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying "This is the way; walk in it."

Which voice are you LISTENING to?" Which choice will you make?

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Sunday, August 16, 2009


Ecclesiastes 3:1 says There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: (NIV Study Bible)

This story is on the changing of seasons in my life. First of all, one of the definitions of season as listed in the World Book Dictionary defines the word season as any period of time marked by something special or characteristic: the holiday season, the harvest season, a season of peace. Another defines it as Figurative, a period or time: at a certain season of our life..

The different seasons in my life have been determined by The Lord, I am led by His Spirit. I find myself in private conversation or thoughts with Him,I don't just know of Him, I have a PERSONAL relationship with Him. There are many stories and seasons in my life that testify to this truth grounded by God's word to confirm what I share is fact and true...

I am now a senior citizen who has gone through many seasons of change. There are alot of things I choose to remember and a lot that I had to discard and let go of. I have been very active in many Christian outreach ministries. The length of involvement varied with each one. One wasn't more important than the other..The Lord would lead me when to get involved, and He would instruct me WHEN the season was over..

Sometimes things from our past come back when we least expect it, like a BOOMERRANG...and resurface into our lives...One of the definitions is as follows: Boomerangs are made of a shape so that when PROPERLY thrown they RETURN to the thrower. This is also worded in the Bible as "We reap what we sow."

Many years ago, I had asked God to take away certain gifts UNTIL the time would come that ONLY He would get all of the Glory. There was a season of my life when the world classified me as having ESP (extra sensory preception) or clairvoyant (supposedly having the power of seeing or knowing about things that are out of sight;having second sight)as defined in The World Book Dictionary. These gifts began to draw too much attention to me...too much...and I didn't feel comfortable with the labels that were given me...I was serving The Lord..and somehow...this terminology didn't settle well with me. I was more in tune with SPIRITUAL visions and revelations from God to be share with others than what the world wanted to hear...I was a Jesus story telling lady...

Zechariah 4:6 Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord Alighty.

Last week, I was on my way to work and listening to my radio around 8:30 am...when THAT still small voice asked "Did you tell Linda that you were disabled?" I didn't remember telling her..then the Holy Spirit replied, "Boomerang, your'e back!" I would soon be seeing this person at a special gathering on Saturday. I knew then that The Lord was going to lead me to get involved with her efforts to support the disabled in any way that I could...She had another meeting that she wanted me to attend with my boss if possible...

My boss and I did attend that meeting out of respect for her. We were extremely late, but we were on time to meet some special people.

Visons, revelations and dreams have returned and I am here to make sure that ONLY God is given the credit...and the honor...

What the Lord was telling me was,that a NEW SEASON had just arrived and to be ready for the UNEXPECTED to happen...but this time....I AM READY.....I have been through many valley trips and now am ready for those Mountain Top experiences...all good.....Look out World, God will be leading the way...I will be just following in his protective shadow...Like a BOOMERANG, I have returned, even more bolder and stronger in my witness to the world...There is a God and His Son Jesus Christ still reigns from the Heavens on high...

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Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Blue Tear

Expect the unexpected is what I have LEARNED to expect as a lead intercessor of prayer at different outreach events. During this time it is vitally important to LISTEN for the prompting of the Holy Spirit to read a scripture, or just BE QUIET. At the blink of an eye, the spiritual realm BECOMES visually active for me. I start to sense, see manifestations, or even smell odd odors that others may not be aware of.

I then need to get myself ready, for a HAPPENING that surely was about to take place soon. I knew to get serious, pray, and read the bible...and find scripture that would REVEAL and EXPLAIN what I was experiencing BEFORE I would share with the other intercessors. That is just the way the Lord GUIDES me.

Zechariah 4:6 (NIV) Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,says the Lord Almighty.

We were up in the balcony prayer room interceding for the workers sitting at tables below. A large group of people, myself included were there to be in constant prayer covering for the Hell House Halloween alternative presentation taking place below. People by the hundreds were being taken through reality scenes of life.Everyone was moved through various scenes that depicted an abortion scene, car crash, family abuse room, a party scene, and even school shootings. By the time one had gone through the last scene to see a tortured and bleeding Christ on the cross, many were uncontrollably sobbing. This is when you were given a choice to exit through the Heaven Door or the Hell Exit...The Heaven door brought you to a table of willing people to console you or answer any questions you may have. Through the Hell Exit, you just found yourself OUTSIDE and alone...a strange feeling...I had taken the tour, so this is what I know..

This was the first time that this outreach would take place at my home church..I had participated in it at many other locations prior to this night. I already knew some of the intercessors whom I had bonded with on many other occasions over the years. We knew the gift or gifts operating in each of us. At times we would call out one particular person to pray...because of that special gift of The Holy Spirit. Not all intercessors have the same interpret, the speaking in tongues, dishearnment, the visual eyes to see, and the spiritual ears to hear...but all work together for the same help free people from bondage..and give them hope.

The music ANNOUNCING the start of the event was playing...We all made ourselves comfortable. I got out my bible, notebook and sat on the floor. There was soothing praise music playing low that could be heard, but not overpowering. Some intercessors would sit on the floor and just pray face down. Others could be seen pacing back and forth silently, while others were verbablly praying. I was intent on just BEING ready for whatever did take place...

Weary actors and actresses would come up for prayer for strength to keep on participating. Others were brought in for prayer to be comforted. Some were brought in to be delivered from evil spirits that seemed to have control over their bodies,(deliverance). Sometimes people just wanted more of God to come into their lives. What ever the request was, we all tried to meet that need in personal prayer time with them.

We were now into several hours of prayer time when...I saw a vision of a HUGE BLUE TEAR Drop that seem to fall from the sky. I looked around and soon KNEW that I was the only one seeing this. I got my bible and begin to seek out the answer..The Holy Spirit placed into my thoughts... the word BREAK THROUGH...

Psalm 28:6 (NIV) Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy.

I then was instructed to leave the intercessory room and go sit in the top balcony and look down at the intercessors sitting at their tables below waiting for people to sit with them. It was then that I SMELLED this strong FOUL odor. I asked, "Lord, what is that smell? He replied, GENERATIONAL CURSES." I then remembered the bible study that a close friend and I had done on fragrances that exposed certain spirits, good or bad...That will be another story for later...

The Lord then instructed me to go back into the intercessory prayer room and share this revelation with the others...I did so. I was to tell them that there was an invisable wall up BETWEEN the downstair intercessors that was keeping them from reaching the hurting people who would sit at their table...It was if their words and efforts were bouncing back and not GETTING through to the person sitting directly in front of them. We needed to pray for BREAKTHROUGH.. I then shared the Blue Tear Drop vision with them...

Shortly after my sharing this info, the downstair intercessors came up and asked for prayer describing what was happening to them...just as I had said. We prayed...and later...a praise report was brought to us...There had been a total BREAKTHROUGH and people were getting saved and now coming up to us for prayer...God is always ready to reveal himself to us. If we ask for his help, He will show up...

A recent revelation to this story...was The cry for Mercy was our cry...but the blue tear drop was God's mercy drop for our situation...He's a big God...and that surely was a big tear...

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Friday, July 3, 2009

Bluebird Singing

There are many definitions of the word ROOT. Webster's Dictionary defines it as the following:  It absorbs moisture, stores food, and also serves as an anchor and support/fundamental or essential part/the original CAUSE of something.....

Most of us are familiar with the phrase "Money is the root of all evil" It's not the actual money, but the greed to have it that may causes it to become evil. The more we have, the more we want, and therefore sometimes we can make wrong choices to use it. Our past literally controls our future IF we let it.

Imagine a huge Live Oak strong it APPEARS to be..then visualize the size of what it's roots must look like BENEATH the soil that is HOLDING it firmly planted..It takes years to get to the size of a full grown HEALTHY tree. It started from a small acorn. It had to weather many seasons of growth.. On the other hand, the Water Oak APPEARS to be just as big, strong and well rooted, but it is not. It can be uprooted easier, BECAUSE it's roots are not as strong or as deep as the Live Oak to protect it from a mighty wind. The Live Oak may lose a few branches, but most of the time it will remain standing. The Water Oak can be seen most of the time laying on it's side and totally uprooted after a strong storm. I have seen these massive trees with hardly any roots at all. It is amazing to me that they can even stand at all with such a small root system.

Good roots are important in our lives. We have to rid ourselves of the bad roots, in order to have a healthier future. I had many roots of unforgiveness in my life that needed to be done away with. The following is my story.... 

I am married to a chronic complainer. His only conversation is COMPLAINTS. I loved him anyway for many years, after all I wasn't perfect either. For years I listened to this. I just pretended that I was alright. I soon began to realize that I was becoming  more and more bitter toward my husband.  This was not the normally nice sweet me. I didn't like what was happening. I could literally hear a wall go up..CHA CHING each time that he would fuss over petty unimportant things. Then one night as we laid down to go to sleep, the following happened...

  I was on my back, wide awake and SUDDENLY it was like a vine had come out of the bed and was now binding my feet, then my waist and last of all my arms. There was no fear. I asked "Lord, what is this? What is happening?" That still small voice replied "This is the roots of UNFORGIVENESS. Do you want to KEEP punishing each other like this?" I replied "No" and the vines released their hold on me. 

A couple weeks later a friend and I were walking down the gravel road that ran in front of my grandmother's house looking for pine cones. All sizes could be seen laying on the edges of the road. We could pick and choose which ones to keep. We had our noses to the ground and soon had walked a far distance from our starting point gathering our treasures. Then.........

  I heard the most beautiful singing of a bird nearby. WHERE was the melody coming from? There was a small brown bird sitting on a branch just singing and singing all ALONE. My eyes saw and my ears heard were the JOYFUL noise that it was producing. I then noticed all of these UGLY vines all over the tree. It was as if the vines were TRYING to squeeze the every ounce of life out of the tree. This little bird seemed to be so happy and singing. The tree on the other hand, looked lifeless and SAD. Then I looked down.....

About 2 feet from the base of the tree were large dark roots that had come OUT of the ground rose up and then changed direction to go back to the tree. They were now wrapped around the base, and now trying to vine it's way back to the top. It looked like a nest of ROLLING SNAKES fighting each other to finish off the LIFE of the tree. The bird could have chosen another tree, but it chose this sad, lifeless serenade with it's beautiful song...

    He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.   PSALM 39:4  (NIV)

The Blue Bird of happiness can be heard singing a new song in my life these days. God revealed the destructive roots of unforgiveness that were planted in my life. He then handed me the tool to destroy them.. (Knowlege and understanding) He then showed me how to let go of the bitterness and then GO ON.

The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.  MATTHEW 3:4 (NIV)

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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Changing of the Wind

I was in the office of my boss WHEN I heard a baby crying. I stopped posting figures for our books to tune in closer to listen...I got up from my chair and then proceded to go check out the other side.There wasn't anyone but me in the building. I said "Lord, I know that you will give me the meaning to this WHEN it is your timing. I went back and continued to work.

There were no more sounds to be heard. I later went downstairs to visit with the landlord. I asked them if their grandchildren had come to vist. The answer was no. I told them that I had heard a baby cry...Now the baby didn't sound like it was in pain, or mad...just a sudden the FIRST cry of life at BIRTH.. I shared this info with our staff members. They just listened and didn't comment. What could they say? They didn't hear the baby cry, only me...

There's a noticable SHIFTING in our everyday lives these days. Families are rearranging their priorities to stretch the household budget. Businesses are cutting down in any way possible to try just hang on until the economy picks up. This is when we truly understand the definition of the word RECESSION. There is plenty of everything, we just CAN'T buy because of lack of funds. My employer has done everything he had to, to be able just to keep the busy flowing.I know that always gives God his due. He NEVER fails to short change His Reverance for God...He is known to say "I am a Jesus Man" when put into awkward situations..God will always honor those who STAND when it is hard to do so...physically and spiritually. I know that there are alot of people out there asking "How are we going to make it in SUCH TIMES AS THESE?"

ROMANS 8:28 (NIV) And we know in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

There have been alot of trying TESTS in my life and others lately, we all have strived to keep our faith in tact. I believe that "With God all things Are possible" and that he will always come through for us in His perfect Timing.

On Wednesday June 24th, 2009 The Lord whispered "There will be a changing of the tide". I was to share that with my boss. I did and a couple of days later, he shared with me the meaning the the Lord gave him personally for it. I was truly blessed.

Everything is CONTROLLED by God...the moon, the sun, the tide, the winds...our lives...IF WE LET HIM BE IN CONTROL OF IT...

MARK 4:41 (NIV) They were terrified and asked each other, "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!"

On Thursday June 25th, 2009 The Lord whispered, "There will be winds of change".
The revelation came the next day through this scripture.

EPHESIANS 4:14 (NIV) Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.

A few week back, boss and his wife were checking our offices on the other top half of our building complex when.........I noticed that he had come to a sudden stop...and seemed to be frozen in place..He had this LOOK on his face. I asked him if he was alright, and he then said "Yes, but I thought that I had heard a baby cry." He then motioned where he thought it had come from...His wife must not have heard it, because she was still busy checking the offices...I knew that he had heard THE CRY because I had heard it myself another time...I had not told him...prior to his experience...

The separate busisnesses were confirmed on Friday June 26th, 2009 to all of us..

Saturday June 27th, 2009..early mid morning...The Lord gave me this final revelation to this story.

WHEN I had heard the baby cry, I was in his office. He had heard the baby cry on the opposite other half of our top floor. The two female employess stationed on that side, have now chosen to branch off on their own. A completely new business has been BIRTHED on the side that my boss had heard the baby cry...Praise to God. We will all continue to work together helping each other, but as individual business owners..God is awesome. He definitely had a good plan for everybody...His way, not ours...

We have prayed, waited and trusted God TOGETHER in the past, and now we will see the FRUITS of our works start to manifest..(happen) When you strive to serve God, He never forgets what you have done for Him. After all, it was in His plan from the beginning..

When we are out of God's will...we are just chasing the wind...but with God........and you know the rest of the story...It's in the bible..

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Big Man/ Little Man

This story is created and written with dreams and revelations of this week. I am not your regular dreamer of dreams..I recently have begun to pray..."Lord let me not dream anything that is not of you." These dreams are short and I wake up to remember them now. In the past I usually didn't REMEMBER any of the dreams that I would have..These are different, short, and to the point with no extra details..That leaves me to depend on God for the revelation of each one.

In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Acts 2:17 (NIV)

Dream ...# 1

In this dream I see a male friend standing tall, but LARGER than life... .and then I see a miniture exact version directly behind him. A mini me...kind of thing. I knew that The Lord WOULD reveal the meaning during the week, because He always does for me to be able to write the story for my weekly post..

When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever. Proverbs 10:25 (NIV)

Dream...# 2

I see my youngest son(now 32)sitting VERY quiet on a sofa with other children. He is round 8 years old and He is dressed up in a suit with a man size long GOLD tie...In real life..this was not his normal attire at that age...even dressed up...ONLY when he served in a wedding once.."But Lord...why the long gold tie?"

And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himslef like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew: 18:3 (NIV)

Dream # 1 is the tall tall figure...(God's protection)
" ...fear is the smaller figure......(daily trials)

It holds a simular meaning as :"Is your glass half full or is it half empy?" Some of us went through trials to get the true meaning of this dream just recently...and guess what...We are stronger and wiser for the experience. The peace of God overshadows the weakness of our flesh..Hang on to The Word and continue standing and claiming it...God will prepare the way..He will always be IN FRONT if you let him...We just have to be led by His Spirit and Word...Let Him guide, and we just need to follow His lead.....Let God be in control...It is that simple....

Dream # 2 revelation...

My son is incarserated at this time, HOWEVER he has had a great transition in his life during this stay...He has truly repented and it looks like The Lord is making a way for him AGAINST all odds to be set free soon and to come home as A CHANGED MAN.. The gold tie represents him being a changed man. He has grown in The Lord...and is ready to live an honest life.. He knows now that ONLY with God's favor and his lawyer could make it happen...He has had several DIVINE interventions on his behalf and he now...knows THE TRUTH...Jesus does love him, and Jesus has not forsaken him...

Take time to draw nigh to The Lord and He will draw nigh to you...WHEREVER you may be..He will come to meet you in a way that you WILL know beyond any shadow of a doubt that God is God and He is real....Be Blessed...

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Keys Please !!!

Southwest Lousiana is known world wide for its' Cajun food dishes and our Mardi Gras celebrations. It is a given fact that you either choose to go to New Orleans ,or come to Lafayette, Lousiana. People from all over the world travel to view the massive parades. During this season, a friend and I would always plan a trip to Arkansas to get totally away from all of this pagan activity. Before this story actually begins...she and I attended a church service in New Iberia Louisiana. The sermon this night was on "The Deliverance Anointing."

Webster's dicitionary defines deliverance... as rescuing or set free"         "         "       anointing..... to apply oil either medically or                                  sacramentally

The message emphasized was how God will sometimes annoint one to lay hands on the sick and they shall RECOVER. Another way to describe this is to bring life back to one who has been proclaimed the DELIVERANCE ANNOINTING of God.

I will give you the keys of the kingdom of HEAVEN; and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Matthew 16:19 (NIV)

In the bible we are called a PECULIAR people. There are some a little more than others. This descibes my friend and I. It doesn't matter whether one BELIEVES us or not when we share our "JESUS TRIPS." People of all denominations are usually interestd. It makes a great story witness tool for the Kingdom of God.....Now you might be prepared for the REST of this story....

We have now returned back from our Arkansas trip. My friend has been returned to her home. I now go inside of my own house and start to unpack. I go to check on my husband. He is in bed EARLIER than usual...An unsettling FEELING came over me...SOMETHING was wrong. His color was not quite right. He just said that he was tired...I finished unpacking and then went to bed myself....and shortly afterwards, IT HAPPENED....

I heard an UGLY groaning and gurgling noise, not HUMAN...I then SLOWLY turned to look at his face....The expression that I saw was very SCARY...I then realized that my husband was NOT breathing. His face was blue with his eyes rolled back...This was bad enough UNTIL I saw those other THINGS standing on the other side of our bed also..WAITING... They were NOT angels. There were three dark creepy shadow demons with HORRIBLE sounds heard coming out of their beings...I SUDDENLY knew that they had come to take my husband to hell....

I IMMEDIATELY started quoting THE WORD of God to bring back life to my now dead husband while also directly speaking and COMMANDING those demons from hell to leave...I didn't know CPR, but I DID know THE WORD OF GOD.... and I literally began to claimed LIFE instead of DEATH for my husband by QUOTING scripture out loud. In the midst of all of this tumoil, I had yelled for my oldest son to call an ambulance. He did..They were on their way...but God's anointing was already with me...

My husband finally started breathing and those critters from hell were all gone. God's Word had PERFORMED CPR, not me. He that WAS dead is now alive...To God be given all of the glory..Everytime that someone would try and give me the credit for saving his life, I would make it totally CLEAR that it was NOT me BUT it WAS the THE WORD OF GOD being quoted...

I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! AND I hold the keys of death and Hades..(Jesus speaking) Revelation 1:18 (NIV)

KEYS PLEASE!!!!!!!!Ask anything in His Name...and it shall be done...AMEN..

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Friday, June 5, 2009

Special Thunder

In the year 1993 The Lord woke me up in the wee hours of morning and instructed me to pray for my UNBORN grandchid. I saw a baby WAVING it's arms in the air...and sensed that it was trying to get SOMEONE'S attention as if to say  " Hey, Look at me, I am Alive!".A few weeks had gone by, before my daughter called to inform me that she thought that she was in the process of having a miscarriage. She was at the hospital and the Doctor on call WANTED to do a D&C to remove the unborn fetus. She was refusing to let him go ahead with the procedure UNTIL an ultrasound had been done first. She was calling me for prayer....She really believed that the baby was STILL ALIVE.....The above vision was brought back to my memory. I then shared that info along with the fact that MY GOD would not have me praying for a DEAD baby, this baby was alive! She then informed the doctor that an ultrasound had to be done first.....The Doctor was enraged and INSISTED that the baby was dead...I told her to go to another hospital for a second opinion...and  that she did so promptly. Financially, she really couldn't afford to go to another hospital due to no insurance coverage.During the ultrasound, the staff member was told of what the other doctor had said. The screen monitor was then turned away from the eyes of my daughter. This is what the person said "This baby is alive and even waving it's arms in the air"...Praise to the Lord....No abortion to be done today...The Lord had definitely intervened for this small life not to be snuffed out. The enemy's plan had been spoiled.the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and BREATHED into his nostrils the BREATH of life, and the man became a living being.   GENESIS 2:7  (NIV)

   I called the first hospital to report the story, the doctor and of course the end results of a live baby.. They insisted on PAYING all of the expenses at their hospital, and then HELPED my daughter get a medical card to help pay the expenseof the second hospital WHEN our baby would be born...and we let them. The Doctor was fired and we didn't sue.

A beautiful healthy almost 8 lb. baby girl was born in 1993. She has a voice that roars like thunder. This gift is now benefiting her as a new elected high school upcoming varsity cheerleader...God makes no mistakes..

I would like to quote a close friend "God sure does make BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN." Everyday I am reminded...that she truly is a BREATHING creation from God..

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Monday, June 1, 2009

Never Too Big To Sit On Daddy's Knee

My wife and I, and our two sons are involved in a cildren's ministry at our church. My two sons and I were at an "End of School Bash" last night for the children's ministry. At one point in the evening, my son Joshua, who is almost 19 years old and over 6 foot tall walked over to where I was and sat down on my knee. I initially told him that he was going to hurt my knee, BUT quickly realized that this was his way of spending a few minutes with me I did not push the issue, but gladly went through a few moments of discomfort to enjoy a few more minutes with my son.

I know that one day in the not too distant future, I may no longer have that opportunity as he and my other son continue to mature into manhood. I don't know if my son realzed what THAT moment meant to me, but I'll take all of those kind of moments that I can!

I was reminded this morning, that God the Father enjoys THOSE times that we sit down on His knee and just spend time with Him. Th difference is that we will never get TOO BIG or grow so mature that we cannot sit down on His knee to spend time with Him! He loves to spend time with us. After all, THAT is why He gave His Son Jesus to reconcile us to Himself!

Sent in by EvangelistCarl Comeaux

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Spiritual Baby

God's ways are definitely NOT our ways. He is always doing a new thing to get my attention. Sometimes He wakes me up with the title for a new post. Then on another given day, He will place a quote that stays on my mind UNTIL I get the MESSAGE. This morning, lol..I woke up with a song playing in my head..."It takes 2 baby.... it takes 2 baby.....,It takes 2 to MAKE a dream come true". Now that song goes way back in my thoughts. I could not remember the rest of the words. O.K. God...what do you want to reveal to me?....  BEFORE I write a new story, The Lord  usually starts givig me little hints. Durng this week, the phrase above would be applied to many situations that came up. It all started to come together resulting in creating the following story.   FIRST, the baby is born, a NEW BIRTH. It comes into the world with a cry that indicates that it now is an existing new life  It will have needs as it grows. SOMEONE has to become the caretaker(parents). At the beginning it is fed milk ONLY. Later on we gradually ADD other foods to the meal to SATISFY the hunger in order to grow healthy.  In our early Christian walk, we are first referred to as "Baby Chistians".  Getting into The Word of God FEEDS us spiritual milk to help us grow.  Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. 1 PETER 2:2-3 (NIV) Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the spirit gives birth to spirit.  JOHN 3:6 (NIV)  A close friend and I were CALLED by The Spirit into a music ministry in 1995. It took she and I to be in total AGREEMENT (2)to transport and promote the then UNKNOWN music our own expense. We would do WHATEVER it took.. and continued on until 2004 with joy. The Lord made it clear to us both then, that He wanted us to help others get to where He wanted them to be. We WILLINGLY sowed into many ministries like this. My grandmother called them "Our Spiritual Babies". I asked her to explain this. She replied, "Everyone needs someone to BELIEVE in them."

 Today my friend and I can look back and WONDER how in the world we could have done so much with so little funds...GOD MADE A WAY... He always CALLS by His Spirit, then ANNOINTS, and He always SUPPLIES the necessary means to get the job done. Today a smile comes on our faces as we see,and hear some of these babies that are now mature in The Lord MANY years later. What is so REWARDING is to know that she and I had just a LITTLE part in helping them get to where they are now...STILL SINGING FOR THE LORD.


Has The Lord birthed any new ideas in your heart lately? Be led by the spirit and not by the flesh. The Spirit of The Lord will always lead you down the RIGHT path..Enjoy the WIND BENEATH YOUR WINGS..and hang on for the ride of your life..

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Audience of One

There was a well-known artist scheduled to PERFORM at our church service this night. I was even more excited that a close friend had accepted an invitation to go with me. The artist just happened to be her favorite gospel singer. And so we were off to a concert together I was BELIEVING that she would get a personal WORD from The Lord...for her needs.The singer was introuced. The choir was all sitting in their mauve and gray robes BEHIND the artist. The santuary was packed to capacity. I looked around and noticed that there were also alot of unfamiliar faces, smiling and ready for the SHOW in our midst. The lights dimmed and it was now SHOWTIME......or...that was what I thought.....As the singer began to sing, I closed my eyes, listening and receiving EVERY word. The song being sung was "I Will Rise Again". For most of us, we KNOW that this is about the ACTUAL crucifixion of Christ being nailed to the cross...Well......I was now deep into my praise and worship mode with both hands lifted high, WHEN..I opened my eyes to SEE a video playing on a HUGE screen of the CRUCIFIXION. The Jesus actor seemed to be looking DIRECTLY at me. I was so OVERWHELMED with its' reality that I no longer was watching the singer, but was visually locked into watching the video ONLY. I found myself ready to flee..."Oh my God, I felt like I was at the ORIGINAL sight where this horrible fact of history took place." I wanted to cry, I looked around at others to see IF they were responding EMOTIONALY like I was...I SAW only smiling faces. I now looked at my friend next to me...She SEEMED very happy. I just closed my eyes NOT to watch anymore..My heart was now in my throat and I was ready to leave as soon as possible. FINALLY, IT WAS FINISHED.....We could go home. I took my friend home. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing once I had reach my own house. I asked "Lord, why am I experiencng this emotion WHEN no one else seemed to be bothered at all.?" He replied "Your eyes and heart were focused on me. Their eyes were focused on the music guest (man)." The tears began to slow down as this revelation came to me. I said "God please tell me THAT you took SOME of the pain  away from Jesus as he was being tortured." His reply to me was "NO". The tears resumed flowing again. As I prepared for bed the scene played over and over..again and again...I had to get more answers..I would go to sleep for now.

The next morning I questioned every choir member that had come to my beaty shop for services. NO ONE saw the video that I was talking about. I later called my church, and they said that there had been NO video being played, just the singer PERFORMING alone. O.K.....God.... With those answers, I then knew that I had seen a VISION in a movie format from The Lord and I was the audience of one...Just me and God...This story of mine spread really fast..No one else saw this, but me...hence that making me the audience of one.

 This is when I learned to pray "Lord, please help me to be what I need to be, so that EVERYONE that I come in contact with, WILL SEE Christ in me."

Webster's dictionary defines VISION as: the act of seeing or the ABILITY to see, foresight, a SUPERNATURAL apparition.

And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.


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Friday, May 15, 2009

Noonday Sun

Just recently, I received a personal revelation from God based on the following bible verse relating to a recent trying situation in my life.For Go so loved the world, that he gave his only begoten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not PERISH, but have everlasting life.    JOHN 3:16 KJV)

"O.K. God, what does this scripture have to do with my recent crisis?" The Holy Spirit then revealed to me the word...UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. We all know that it took ALOT of love for God to let Jesus his only son to be taken and sacrificed for us and all of our sins of the world..That was definitely a good example of the meaning of unconditional. To love someone so much and YET be willing to let them die for a cause or reason, that takes EXTREME love. I never thought that I would EVER have to make such a heart wrenching decision in my lifetime, but I did a few weeks ago.

 A conflict arose between two male dogs that we have had since birth. Male dominance took over, and before long unexpected fights would take place often. My biggest fear was that one day that my husband would get seriouly hurt in the process of trying to break them up. Once before just a few scratches...and I knew that I would possibly have to one day give my "Blaze" away. This was a dog that NO ONE WANTED. He had been given to me durng a very sick time in my life. He slept and grew near my side for 4 years. He became very protetive of his mother and a sister of the same breed. The other male was a rat terrier...and much smaller. At 4 years old, Blaze was already 90 lbs. He was normally a very sweet and kind natured dog. I even had him fixed hoping that this would stop him from wanting to jump the much smaller male dog. That dreaded day came...

My husband really needed to go to the hospital for stitches...I loved this dog so much that I was willing to have him put to sleep to keep him from suffering from a future gun shot to his head THE NEXT TIME. I knew that I had to make a SERIOUS decision...even though I really didn't want to. Through my tears and trembling voice I called my vet...who refused to put the dog down. God?...and then I went to the nearest dog pound who WERE willing for a few dollars to do the deed. As I signed Blaze's death papers, I realized that I didn't have any cash on me. The only payment terms....I headed out to get some cash WHEN a policeman STOPPED me just outside the door. He asked me to let him see my dog...He then said "Oh no, this dog is too beautiful and too healthy to kill. Do you really want to put him to sleep?" I said "NO". He then asked if he could ADOPT Blaze...God??? Then out came a worker that said that it was too late...and another worker then came out and said....we will just shred up the paperwork if I wanted to let this gentleman take my dog. God?... I agreed with flowng tears of joy and  hugs from my heart. I watched as the man KNELT down and played with Blaze who was now giving him high 5's and kisses. This man was DEFINITELY sent from take care of something that I loved so deeply with all of my heart.....and wanted him to live...not to die...

And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgement as the NOONDAY.. PSALMS 37:6 (KJV) another reference is "Noonday Sun"

The Son was definitely shining on my behalf this day...My heart's cry was heard and The Lord came not only to my dog's rescue, but he also granted my heart's desire for my dog to live. My grief was turned into joy. It has been around 4 weeks since that day. Thoughts of worry and thing that wanted to make me doubt that Blaze was being taken care of. The Lord then instructed me to NOT let anyting make me SECOND GUESS what He has done for me. My flesh was weak and The Lord even let me go SEE where he now lives. After a good cry with a close friend,I can now KNOW that BEYOND any doubt...Blaze is aive and healthy.

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Friday, May 8, 2009

Enemy in the Camp

Many years ago WHEN my children were younger, going to the nearby mall was the ULTIMATE outing. I was very blessed that it was also within a mile from my home. The video arcade booth was the main gathering place for our young people back then. Parents could been seen sitting at tables in the nearby snack shop DIRECTLY acoss from the arcade. There we watched as our children enjoyed themselves. This became a regular Saturday night event. When there is a good thing going on and a large gathering, you can be sure that the enemy will TRY to invade. They soon did.

There were times WHEN I would be the only parent THERE supervising my children and the children of others. I soon began to notice that as the youth crowd grew, so did the UNWANTED traffic of occult groups. Being made aware of this by The Holy Spirit, I then began to WATCH intently their every move from the moment of their arrival to their final exit. In this small mall, there was just ONE open hall of movement and it could be easily monitored. I would sit with my soft drink and pray for the safety of all of our children....I was a normal "people watcher" anyway...

As the large glass doors opened, in came a group of boys and girls dressed in black clothing with the satanic jewelry and white pale face makeup with the dark blackish lipstick. I saw the obvious leader round up his followers in the center and then send his workers out into different direcions. There was this one young lady who just didn't seem to look or fit into this group...She also looked VERY frightened...The leader was now hugging and making sexual caressing moves on more detail is needed. I soon found myself praying for her protecton against whatever they were trying to RECRUIT her into. As she attempted to pull away, he would then grab her again.

I then started focusing on the other boys and girls to see what they were doing. The girls would approach young men and then flirt and ask for money. It didn't matter if they had their girlfriend with them either. Donations were given to them most of the time to just be rid of their embarrassing advances and pleading for money. Of course I then soon discovered that the boys were doing the same exact thing. Each time that money was given, the boy or girl would then hurriedy run back to the leader with their earnings. He stayed at this one location and never moved from his post. He just waited on his workers to report back to him.

After a certain amount of funds were gathered, they would then go shopping. That brought them to a music store even closer to me. That is when I could actually SEE what they had purchased. Not to my surprise, a heavy metal ungodly cd complete with the skeleton satanic look. I heard them discussing WHAT and WHERE they were going to go meet AFTER the mall would be closed. It was going to be a gathering at a nearby graveyard. A sudden chill came over me...and then I heard this yell "Hey You!" I looked around toward the direcion it came from...then...I heard again "Hey you!" This time I found myself LOOKING directly almost face to face at the leader just a few feet from me..."Yeah, you" He sounded very threatening. I prayed "Lord,you need to send in help, he is definitely mad at me. How does he know me?" I then looked down at my hands which were cupped in the "praying hands" position. His dark spirit RECOGNIZED the Spirit of Christ in me...and it angered him. I knew that God had to come to my aid and QUICK.

SUDDENLY, in comes the youth pastor and his group "The Skyscrapers" all dressed in WHITE t-shirts. I felt a huge sigh of relief. It sounded like a army coming to my rescue chattering and laughing. They were there to WITNESS and headed straight to the satanic group who started to scatter fast..and exit the mall..The darkness had to flee. They were ready for the battle against the darkness..and had their full armor of The Lord on..

When the enemy comes in like a flood, He willl lift up a standard against them...

They charge like warriors; they scale walls like soldiers. They all march in line, not swerving from their course. JOEL 2: 7 (NIV)

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Crutches Left Behind

It's another night BEHIND the scenes PRAYING protection for all of the actors protraying real life reinactments. This traveling media production comes to our area yearly to offer the complete polar OPPOSITE alternative choice to  the celebrating  of the pagan holiday known as HALLOWEEN. It is a Christian outreach that brings in crowds by the thousands to view the reality scenes that can literally touch your heart and soul and bring one to his or her knees to TRUE repentance and total deliverance from  any life detroying choices.The previous night producion had aready encountered a visit from a real praticing witch trying to cast a curse on the "Family Violence" scene which was told in the story posted earlier called "Reverse the Curse". It was now one night closer to October 31st, so therefore we knew that things were DEFINITELY going to get more interesting and more TRYING. We as INTERCESSSORS, were always ready and prayed up JUST IN CASE. Once in awhile The Holy Spirit would LEAD me to go outside and search the crowds for possible trouble makers..There they were... The gift of disearnment kicked in and the visual eyes CLEARLY saw their little group HUDDLED around something or someone. There seemed to be also a greenish cloud around this THING that was in the middle. At first it didn't look human. Then it took on the shape of an elf like form with 2 large pointed ears. The kind that you see pictures in the bible called DEMONS that represent evil. It was now being supported by 2 crutches. His whole physical being was very ODD and not human. He seemed to be the leader and was giving out using his hands and pointing...This looked like  potential trouble.I knew that this group would definitely need to be monitored. I once again notified the organizer and the other intercessors to be on guard. I actually got into the group along with them and other prayer warriors. We FOLLOWED them THROUGH all of the scenes praying silently. They seemed to be aware of us. Every once in awhile this group would throw a glance at me or other team members. From the beginning of the car wreck scene,the abortion  scene and all the way to the final choice to exit through the door to Heaven or Hell, we watched them closely. AT THE CROSS with a Jesus actually hanging on a cross.. moving and bleeding...I heard a mocking laughter that sent chills through my whole body as the preacher would read scriptures from his bible to the audience. All of us were there to pray AGAINST anything evil that would try and manifest one EXCEPT ME in our group seemed to HEAR this horrible sneering laughter. The Holy Spirit instructed me to look up to see if the thing was levitating, yes levitating...., nothing....THEN....I saw it hiding....BEHIND Jesus on the Cross...It was laughing again and when it saw that I COULD SEE it, it looked down and away...and went and hid behind the cross..I waited for everyone to exit including the actor Jesus to get off of the Cross for his 5 minute break.  I looked again, but that demon looking thing was not there. Where was this thing? Where did it go? Where were his crutches? He DID NOT EXIT out the normal way with the rest of the crowd. How could this be possible?I found myself asking "Lord, where did he go?" The Holy Spirit replied " The Demon COULDN'T go past the cross...he had to exit another way. The next door was a heaven scene with angels singing and the book of life waitig to be signed...Darkness has to flee the light." He had to BACK TRACK through the hell scene where he belonged...or SOMETHING else...We will not go there in this story...but there is more, ALOT more.When I exited the last door, I found other intercessors scattering everywhere, as if they were looking for SOMEONE, then...I heard..."We found the crutches, but WHERE did he go?..Later we got together and discussed this episode...This had definitely been another encounter with the NOT GODLY KIND....And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy groud.      KJV (EXODUS 3:5)"Don't come any closer," God told him. "Take off your shoes for you are standing on holy ground."     THE LIVING BIBLE   (EXODUS 3:5)Once the demon spirit entered into the throne room with Jesus..and the Cross...he could NOT stay and he couldn't go any further......He had to hide from the light of Christ...HE HAD TO FLEE...Send your story to

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mirror Mirror

It began as a normal morning routine. I got up, I ate my beakfast and then brushed my teeth. As I was finishing up this routine, I found my self REALLY examining my reflection in the mirror. I asked "Lord, am I supposed to be seeing something more than just my reflection this morning?" Revelation has come from The Lord this way before. After a few minutes of waiting, I got nothing. I then preceded to get dressed to go to work.

I was now at work doing the normal opening up routine. I first would turn on the computer, unlock the filing cabinet, open office doors, and then make morning coffee. As I sat down at my desk to open email info, I heard in that still small voice "Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" I thought, Lord, that is some fairytale story from long ago. I don't remember the actual story, but knew that I would have to do some research to read and then GET the final meaning to this Holy Spirit revelation. God has me do this to know BEYOND a shadow of any doubt that these revelations are from him.

During this day I would find myself "hearing" that same phrase over and over. I looked up the definition of mirror...Webster's dictionary defines it as following.

mirror-(1)a polished surface especially of glass that reflects light,and on which images can therefore be seen--a true protrayal or representation--(2) to reflect in a mirror.

Ok, I had looked intensely into my mirror at home...What did The Lord want me to understand from this? I began to search within me for the answer. I pulled out my bible and began to research different key words to find particular scriptures. I looked under the words mirror, reflection and TRIED to remember WHICH children's story from long ago had these words in it and WHO and what kind of character was it protraying. I knew that eventually I would have the answer and then I would be able to write the story...and so here it is.

The phrase "Mirror mirror on the wall had entered my mind many times BEFORE I got this revelation....I asked my self...Who IS the fairest of them all...of course GOD is..In a recent trying situation that I was going through, I truly was and am depending on God to come through for my son who is incarserated for now. I have always told him, that "ONLY God and a good lawyer could get him out of this situation." I assumed that perhaps this mirror mirror phrase was a reminder to me to keep believing for a good report for my son to be out soon.

There were many circumstances that this ONE LINER had meaning for during this work week. Questions to me from others would come up and I could hear this phrase roll over in my thoughts again and again. I began to share this phrase as led by the Holy Spirit with a few people. It would take on special revelation of meaning to whomever I would share it with. For me, I was determined to FIND that story book fairytale...As a christian, these stories don't have the SAME meaning like they used to...In the fairytale phase (the world) it is harmless..In the Christian world (spiritual) it takes on a totally different meaning.

When you look into your mirror at you see what you REALLY look like? Does your mirror REFLECT back to you your REAL REFLECTION? Have you noticed that DIFFERENT mirrors even make you look different? I have worked for many years standing in front of a mirror doing hair and truly know the difference of a true reflection in a mirror along with good lighting. I have even noticed in alot of clothing shops that I LOOK so much smaller...I know that reflection is nice, but NOT a true reflection of me...Do you know your true reflection? This little phrase really got me to seriously questioning myself and all of my mannerisms. I asked myself "Am I truly reflecting on the outside to others WHO I am on the inside?" I pray that my reflection inside and out ARE the same.

Now it is the weekend and the Holy Spirit prompted me to put a movie dvd in and relax. I did and guess what..."Mirror mirror and the wall, who is the fairest of them all" preview was rolling. There it was...Snow White cartoon preview, with lots of revelation for me...Ok She had been poisoned and in the end she came back to life to live happy ever after with her prince...The End..

James 1:23-27 (NIV)

Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at this face in a mirror and after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it-he will be blessed in what he does. If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

"Lord please help me be the true reflection of you to everyone who comes in contact with me so that they WILL SEE you in me and not just me." Amen

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Carl Comeaux Testimony

On Thursday, April 2, 2009, at approximately 10:15 a.m., I was traveling from my residence in Carencro, La. to work in Lafayette, La. I had two stops to make before arriving for work at 11:00 a.m.

As I drove toward Lafayette on Highway 182, I was praying about some things that were weighing heavy on my heart. I told the Lord that I needed to hear from Him concerning these matters. I felt like I was at a crossroads in my life, and only He could work it out.

After praying in the Spirit, as the Lord gave utterance, I received a word from the Lord that would once again change my perspective of the events in my life. In that "still small voice" I heard Him say, "Things are not as bad as they appear."

This was the same voice that over eleven years ago had told me, "Don't be afraid!" (I would face and overcome cancer in January 1998 by "the Blood of the Lamb" and by the word of my testimony of Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of my life!)

Since April 2, 2009, I have seen the Lord work out these matters, and others! I want to tell as many people as I can, that as we continue to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, because of what he did for all at the Cross at Calvary. "Things are not as bad as they appear!"

sent in by:
Evangelist Carl Comeaux
Drumbeat Evangelistic Ministries

This is the FIRST of many other shared testimonies to be sent in..Spread the Good News, I know that there are alot of stories that need to be written and sent in to

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Angry Man

Some people seem to NEVER have anything positive to say about anyone. They find faults in everyone and everything EXCEPT themselves. People like this are very hard to stay around. Do you know anyone who fits this description? I do, I am married to the complete polar opposite of me now for 41 years. I still ask God...Why me...why Lord was I still united with this demon out of hell?. Yes, I did say DEMON. Because I am a christian who reads the bible, I now know the why is BECAUSE he is NOT saved YET. I do have to stay with him, for perhaps one day that he may be saved,and that is what I am believing to come true. That is what keeps me hoping for a better life with him. Meanwhile The Lord does make a way for me to have PEACE in all of this tormoil.

To pagans, "demon" meant a supernatural being, whether good or bad, but Luke makes it clear that it was an evil spirit. (NIV Luke 4:33)

For many years I cried out to God to help me make this person STOP griping and become a happier person. I tried everything that I thought might ease or even stop all of the needless complaining. It got to a point that I would just exit the room and let him rant all by himself. He could start out mad and evolve into a rage just talking by himself. I got tired of hearing sometimes it would literally make me physically sick. God's word says to prevent an argument,to just walk away. Sometimes, I would get in my car and drive to the nearest store, to NOT hear all of the angry comments that would surface. I would try to stay away from the house at least an hour to let him cool down and then I would return. To my dissappointment, he was still mad...this day..even madder...

I just went and tried to stay busy WHILE the raging continued on. FINALLY I said Lord, I can't take this much longer...PLEASE do something. Please quieten those lying lips, please clamp his foul mouth shut.. or please deafen my ears to the anger something, anything and HE DID...

Suddenly there was a total QUIET in my house. I could only hear myself breathing. Then this loud grunting mad sound could be heard. I asked "Lord, what is that?" It seemed to be coming from outside in my front yard. I have a large kitchen window, so all I had to do was just get up from my bar stool and go to the window to see what was out there. The sound was getting louder and louder. At this time it was so quiet inside that I assumed that my husband had fallen asleep. WRONG...

I looked in the direction of where the noise seemed to be coming from, to see a form who LOOKED like my husband walking in place, swinging his arms in rage and his face, HIS FACE was all mad and contorted and dark..How could that be my husband...when...he was still inside in his chair probably asleep, I asked?" So I walked away, the form wasn't going anywhere. It was still stomping, raging and walking in the same spot...

I went into the living room to find my husband SLUMPED over forward in his chair, almost to the point of getting up. EXCEPT he was frozen in that position with a DEAD blank look on his face. It looked like he was about to get out of the chair when...this happened to him. I then went back to look at the form that was still outside making all of that noice..and asked.."Lord, if that is my husband STILL in his chair, then WHO is THAT outside?" The Holy Spirit replied "I have put the ANGRY MAN outside." I went and sat down and just consumed all that had and was taking place. I just sat there and thanked God and prayed for my husband. After a few minutes maybe 5, the form outside was no longer heard or could be seen and a peaceful husband came out of the living room. He never mentioned anything about this, and I never questioned him. I knew that The Lord had devinely intervened on my behalf again that day. Glory to be given all to God..

"Be quiet!" said Jesus sternly. "Come out of him!" The evil spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek. The people were all amazed that they asked each other, "What is this?" A new teaching--and with authority! He even gives orders to evil spirits and they obey him" (NIV Mark 1: 25-27)

The gift of SPIRITUAL discernment is represented in this story and also devine intervention by The Holy spirit on my behalf. PTL

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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Be Not Fooled

Another busy day in my beauty shop was now ending. When the last customer exited my shop door, I just slumped down into my styling chair to rest for a moment. As I sat there in prayer with my eyes closed, I suddenly sensed a special presence with me. It became a visual when I opened my eyes and looked into my shop mirror. I wasn't sure who or what was looking back at first...

I was shocked to see my reflection, OR what I thought was me looking back at me. At first, it WAS me, THEN a blurred cloud seem to come and enclose my silouette with a odd smokey darkness. I then saw my reflection in the mirror turning slowly into a skeleton. I asked "Lord, am I dying or am I going to die?" The Holy Spirit then said....."Things are going to appear NOT to be lining up with my word. Be NOT fooled. Keep your eyes focused straight ahead and follow the light. Don't look to your left or to your right. Stay on the straight and narrow path. It's going to get harder and harder to discern what is of me and what is NOT of me as the days come and go." THEN the vision disappeared. The Lord then instructed me to look at the calendar on my wall. It was April 1, 2002. Wow, I just rememember thinking back then...Ok Lord, you DO have an odd sense of humor. That was 7 years ago. This is now the year 2009. I have been trying to write this story for 2 weeks now. All kind of unusual(yeah right)computer problems with this web blog have taken place to try and stop me ....but praise God, here is that story finally. I had wanted to post it on April 1st ...but it's never too late to do anything for long as you DO IT.

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world. (KJV 1 John 4:1-3)

In the year 2004, 2 years after this vision, I had a massive heart attack. I had no medical insurance, therefore I had to be put on a waiting list at our local University Medical Center Hospital. A life saving and needed surgery took take place 6 months later instead. I could only be transported in a wheel chair because I had become too week to walk on my own. I hated the dark nights. While everyone else was sleeping, I was sitting up all night talking to God and pleading for help. Due to congestive heart complications, I COULDN'T lie down, my lungs would fill up with fluid. To make things worse, I was losing weight very rapidly. I would have to make short steps to one small area at a time...that took many rest breaks to get to the bathroom. It was the most painful time in my life for me. BUT......It was during this invalid state of my health that God recalled to my memory the above vision. I then began to take a STRAIGHT path to QUOTING God's word. I would recall a scripture and say God you said....and your said would NOT turn void. Verbally you couln't hear me, but God and I talked all night. It was during this time that the total revelation of that vision I had seen in the mirror. I would get the total meaning by going personally through the storm to understand the true revelation. 6 months later..the following took place.

Just when I had exhalted all of the bible scriptures to throw at God as a reminder of my pleas, one night I got very specific. I got face to face... and serious. I said "Lord, surely you aren't finished with what you started in me. If you are, then WHY didn't you just go ahead and let me die the report that the doctors had told me and my family...why all of this?" I repented of known and unknown sins...FINALLY just when I was about to get really mad....A SUDDEN JOLT of electricity seem to slap me so hard on the top of my head that I almost spit out my false teeth. It was if the huge hand of God had come down and whopped me, but it didn't hurt..I knew that something was taking place. I asked "Lord are you healing me?" I hurriedly asked my youngest son to call his sister for me. He did and this is what I told her..."I think The Lord is Healing me, I will call you tomorrow."

This is the rest of the story of what The Lord did....My bed was a sofa for 6 months.. Once it was bed time for everyone else, I would then get into my sitting position... Remember, I had to sit up, I couldn't lie down. This took place normally every night until I would probably pass out from exhaustion. NOT THIS MORNING. I awoke to a SUDDEN deep intake of awsome refreshing air. I was actually flat on my back and NOT struggling as usual to sit up to relieve the shortness of breath. What had happened? THEN The Holy Spirit said "Look at your ankles". I did, they were no longer swollen. OVERNIGHT, I turned into a skeleton....but I was still alive...I had gone from over 190 lbs (fluid retention) to barely now 138 pounds. From that moment, againist all previous odds....The Lord was restoring my heart and putting into motion other great things to take place. Writing these stories now even though I am legally classifiend as disabled...BUT WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. It's not over, until He says it is. He is the author and the finisher of our faith.

In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, at which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

(KJV 1 Peter 1:6-7)

Let The Word of God be your anchor and light during all of your worldly storms..He will surely meet you where you are and make a way for you to escape. A BEAUTIFUL RAINBOW OF MANY BRIGHT COLORS as a reminder of His Promise to us.

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Reverse the Curse

Several years ago I joined a Christian outreach that was known for it's radical opposition to the traditional well known Halloween celebrations.  During the October 31 season each year,this Christian outreach  would present reality scenes depicting wrong choices in life and the consequences that they would bring.  There were scenes of family abuse, drug related situations, school shootings, wrecks caused by driving while intoxicated, an abortion scene and many more. Whatever the timely topic of news would be that year, could be incorporated into a new scene. Originally it was known as "Hell House" and later was taken to the highways and byways. The new name became "Final Exit". I was an intercessor behind the scenes. Webster's Dictionary defines intercession as "act of interceding". I became a faithful intercessor for this outreach since 1995. I would make myself available every time that it would come to our town. An intercessor is one who prays for others. I called myself a trouble shooter for The Lord. I was one of many volunteers who prayed behind the scenes. Occasionally one of us would be called to pray for a certain situation or person. Webster's Dictionary defines discern as "to distinguish clearly" One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is to discern what is of God and what is not...Spiritual eyes allows us to clearly see into the spiritual world...things that not all can see. Spiritual ears lets us hear what others may not be able to. I asked The Lord one day, "Why Lord are you letting me see and hear these things?" A voice from within said "So that you will know how to pray against these things NOT of me."I didn't announce this gift to the world. I had learned THAT lesson early on from God in years before. Only a close prayer partner and close friend knew..She and I had the same gift of the Holy Spirit and we were both always in one accord. We just followed the leading of the Holy Spirit and LISTENED and OBEYED...Alot of awesome stories that haven't yet been written concerning this ministry will start today with this one. The organizer began to recognize this gift from God that operated within me. He started calling me out to PERSONLY be involved in certain areas when needed. I was blessed and God got all of the Glory and not me. This year I was drawn to faithfully stand and pray for the family abuse scene. I found myself stationed on a regular basis behind this scene this year. Stranger than usual people started coming in large groups to these events. Weird to some, but satanic in definition to me and others. It became very obvious that the closer that it got to the Halloween date, the more we would experience ODD encounters, and not of the Godly kind. My attention was drawn to watch this certain lady that had come in dressed in a coat with a flowing scarf. It was October and unusually warm for this particular night. A coat of it's weight was not needed. As I watched her through a peep hole, in the family abuse scene area, I saw her SLOWLY start to unwrap her scarf..She let it hang loosely down her shouulders. Then she took one end and began to wind it SLOWLY around her neck. She would then use her other hand to pull it around to the opposite side. It was when she sped up the motion that I SUDDENLY realized that she was making the rapid flowing figure 8. I asked "Lord what is she doing?" The Holy Spirit replied, "She is casting a curse." I then was instructed to  say "Reverse the Curse in the name of Jesus, the name above all names and send it back to the sender". The person suddenly seem to stop and then focus her eyes directly in my direction. She KNEW that someone was there praying against what she was doing. I hurriedly made other intercessors aware of what was taking place. We united together,watched and prayed her out of the building. The power of prayer ALWAYS will scatter our enemies. That was only the beginning as to what else would take place the next night. More of those stories will come later.This person was definitely not of God...We were later informed that she was actually a PRATICING WITCH...Her occult followers came the next night. We were ready and prayed up and not afraid. God is always one step ahead of the enemy and his tatics. That story will be called "Crutches left Behind".

There are many gifts of The Holy Spirit. The one operating in this story is classified as: discerning of spirits.

KJV: 1 Corinthians 12:10

Read more about this in your Bible.. Be the light in the darkness. Send in your testimonies to:

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sally's Story

Do you remember WHEN you were first saved and on fire for The Lord? Remember the many awesome things that would happen to strengthen and confirm to you that God was real and not just someone to read about? Some describe this as Our First Love. You hunger to seek guidance from the Word of God for everything in your life. The bible becomes your main source of info. It becomes your concordance for answers to all of your questions. The Word of God takes on a totally new and exciting meaning in your life. The Word becomes a Living Word magnified to us along with understanding. The following is how I met my friend Sally C.

I live in a neighborhood that is very quiet. Neighbors stay to themselves. If a neighbor is in need, however, we pass this information on to all of the neighbors. We help when help is needed. It was on one of these occassions that a family was in need of food. A friend had informed me and so I gathered supplies to go deliver. Right away I knew that this lady was a christian. She quoted God's Word often. I began to go visit and still do to this day. Through that friendship she also introduced me to her next door neighbor Sally. Before long the three of us became very close friends and met on a regular basis at least once a week.

Sally always had a radiant smile. She always seemed to be full of so much joy. Our conversations circled around God and His Word. We laughed, we shared and we just plain enjoyed each other's company over coffee. This was a weekly gathering between the three of us for several years.

One iced mid afternoon as Sally was leaving to go home next door after one of these visits she slipped and fell coming down the broken brick door step. She was in extreme pain. By the expression on her face, I knew that she was hurt bad. Her leg APPEARED to be badlly broken just below the knee. You could see the bone just underneath the surface of skin. Her mother wasn't home and she didn't want to go to the hospital. She was full of fear. I held her and prayed to calm her. The Lord gave me insight as to WHY she was afraid to go to the hospital. I was led by The Holy Spirit to place my hand on the injured and pray for my friend. She did finally agree to call an ambulance and we did. She was promptly transported.

I received a phone call a couple of hours later from Sally asking that I come to her house. I was amazed that she was back home already. Her mother was there and I immediately looked at her leg. There was hardly any noticeable bruising. Sally began to share that once she was in the ambulance, she was overcome with a warm peaceful feeling. By the time that she reached the hospital, the leg looked totally different. God literally healed that leg by divine intervention inside of that ambulance on the way to the hospital. The leg that we were now looking at was NOT the injured leg that had sent her to the hospital emergency room.

Sally shared with me on that day that she had never before believed in miracles, but God had made her a true believer this day. I wanted to share the above info to be able to share the following. Sally and I continued for many years to communicate with each other. Her health began to fail and she would call me for prayer requests for her personal needs, and for others. Over the years, she would be diagnosed with many afflictions. Through it all, her smile never faded and she continued to hang on to her faith. We stayed in close contact.

Sally went to be with The Lord just recently and I wanted to share this last conversation that we had. My youngest brother had died recently and I shared his last conversation with me with her. Sonny had said "If we didn't see each other on earth, that we would definitely see each other in Heaven". My brother died 2 weeks later. He had died in his sleep. Sally replied "If it is my time, then I want The Lord to let me die that way also." About 2 weeks later her request was honored by God. I did share this news with the family later.

The Sally I had met many years ago had changed physically BUT her smile and sweet spirit never left. She was a true friend to me and anyone else that she chose to be friends with.

Neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength
Nehemia 8:10 (KJV)

No matter what storm may rage in your life, let God's Word become your anchor to to bring you through.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.
Psalms 34:19 (KJV)

Has anyone touched your life in a special way? Then send your stories in, let's keep the light shining and their memories alive at