Friday, May 29, 2009

Spiritual Baby

God's ways are definitely NOT our ways. He is always doing a new thing to get my attention. Sometimes He wakes me up with the title for a new post. Then on another given day, He will place a quote that stays on my mind UNTIL I get the MESSAGE. This morning, lol..I woke up with a song playing in my head..."It takes 2 baby.... it takes 2 baby.....,It takes 2 to MAKE a dream come true". Now that song goes way back in my thoughts. I could not remember the rest of the words. O.K. God...what do you want to reveal to me?....  BEFORE I write a new story, The Lord  usually starts givig me little hints. Durng this week, the phrase above would be applied to many situations that came up. It all started to come together resulting in creating the following story.   FIRST, the baby is born, a NEW BIRTH. It comes into the world with a cry that indicates that it now is an existing new life  It will have needs as it grows. SOMEONE has to become the caretaker(parents). At the beginning it is fed milk ONLY. Later on we gradually ADD other foods to the meal to SATISFY the hunger in order to grow healthy.  In our early Christian walk, we are first referred to as "Baby Chistians".  Getting into The Word of God FEEDS us spiritual milk to help us grow.  Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. 1 PETER 2:2-3 (NIV) Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the spirit gives birth to spirit.  JOHN 3:6 (NIV)  A close friend and I were CALLED by The Spirit into a music ministry in 1995. It took she and I to be in total AGREEMENT (2)to transport and promote the then UNKNOWN music our own expense. We would do WHATEVER it took.. and continued on until 2004 with joy. The Lord made it clear to us both then, that He wanted us to help others get to where He wanted them to be. We WILLINGLY sowed into many ministries like this. My grandmother called them "Our Spiritual Babies". I asked her to explain this. She replied, "Everyone needs someone to BELIEVE in them."

 Today my friend and I can look back and WONDER how in the world we could have done so much with so little funds...GOD MADE A WAY... He always CALLS by His Spirit, then ANNOINTS, and He always SUPPLIES the necessary means to get the job done. Today a smile comes on our faces as we see,and hear some of these babies that are now mature in The Lord MANY years later. What is so REWARDING is to know that she and I had just a LITTLE part in helping them get to where they are now...STILL SINGING FOR THE LORD.


Has The Lord birthed any new ideas in your heart lately? Be led by the spirit and not by the flesh. The Spirit of The Lord will always lead you down the RIGHT path..Enjoy the WIND BENEATH YOUR WINGS..and hang on for the ride of your life..

send in your stories and testimonies to