I had traveled this highway many times, but today would be different. As I was nearing the town intersection, the light was STILL green and then it happened. SUDDENLY there was a car crossing in front of me carrying 2 elderly people. All I had time for, was to yell JESUS... while riding my brakes. I could hear the squeeling of my tires as I came to an ABRUPT stop, just inches away from plowing into the driver's door. It didn't happen even though I was so close, that I could actually see their faces looking directly into my eyes. My bumper was just inches away from crushing the door of their car. They never tried to stop. It was as if I had been INVISABLE to them, and so they just continued crossing in front of me.
I was now stopped directly UNDER the red light and traffic from all directions was still flowing uninterupted. It was as if no one was aware of what had just happened or ALMOST HAPPENED...Not one person blew their horn in protest. Not one person slowed down their driving speed. All traffic continued to flow smoothly around me. There was no traffic jam created. I slowly drove through the intersection and parked my car on the side emergency lane to gather my thoughts. "Lord, what just happened?" I asked..The Holy Spirit responded..."You just had a Spiritual Collision." I didn't really understand this revelaton from The Holy Spirit until just recently, many years later. Fear came first...almost wrecked...but Faith...calling on the name JESUS prevented the collision.
My boss just recently made the statement "I have a feeling that Faith & Fear are getting ready to collide." The above incident was recalled to my memory. I totally depend on the The Lord to prepare me to write these stories..and alot of things have TRIED to stop me, BUT FINALLY, IT IS POSTED on this web page where it belongs.. FEAR came first...almost wrecked...but FAITH...calling on the name of JESUS prevented that collision...
An old Alfred Hitchcock thriller story many years ago still bothers me. I couldn't watch many of them. The Twilight Zone would be it's replacement today. Now it has once more crept back into my memory to finish this story. If you are 50-60years of age now, you may remember the weirdness of that show ending. Today I understand it. After all, with age does come wisdom and understanding.
There was this sweet man who drove an ice cream truck. He was always so cheerful and eager to wake up and get ready to go to work every morning. He always greeted his customers of all ages with a SMILE. Most of the show featured him just SITTING inside of his truck and scooting from one position to another to reach the treat of choice. Sometimes he would give the item away if anyone couldn't afford to pay him. You soon realized that he never turned around. He seemed to have limited body movement. When he was alone and there were no customers, you could also hear another voice that seemed to come from within the truck also. It sounded mean and negative, but we could never SEE who it was. In those days, we just assumed that we were just hearing him talking to himself...wrong...
It was a situation of good versus evil. Imagine a duplicate of yourself ATTACHED to your back from birth to your age now. Your front is a good twin (positive), and your connected twin is the evil one (negative) constantly talking to you. Good and evil can't survive together for too long. Eventually one will become the stronger personality. Sadly, the evil personality in this story did end up bashing the good twin against the wall and killing him.
It wasn't long before the evil twin realized that he was going to die also. He had responded out of anger to destroy his good twin and now he was paying the consequences of his actions. Sometime WRONG decisions CAN end up destroying us....
Isaiah: 30:21 (NIV)
Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying "This is the way; walk in it."
Which voice are you LISTENING to?" Which choice will you make?
Send your story to sl@michaelallenmarketing.com
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Spiritual Collision
Posted by Angel Writer at 7:27 PM
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