Saturday, October 24, 2009

Rose Bud

As I reached out to comfort a friend regarding her recent loss of a baby, my own similar experience was replayed in my memory. I carried my first baby, a boy for 8 months before I lost him to death. I have known and had God in my life for many years. After the loss of my infant son, an even stronger relationship and understanding with God has developed.....

I was very resentful of my siter-in-law who gave birth to a healthy baby boy just a few months after my loss. She was experiencing postpartum depression also, which I didn't understand at the time. This was partly due to my being so young. She was crying alot and I didn't understand why. She was so blessed to have her beautiful baby and I didn't have mine. She should have been very happy. I even believed that she was also crying because she had possibly wanted a girl and not a boy. Wow, was I ever wrong!.....

It took me a long time and a lot of tears to get past my deep loss of my child. I finally got pregnant again approximately one year afterwards. That was after I knew that my husband could bear the idea of us having another child so soon. We needed to remember that we were not the only ones hurting and grieving. Our friends and families were sad also....

When I was 2 months pregnant with our next baby, I was in an automobile accident. My car was totaled due to a man running a red light. As I stepped out of the damaged car, I suddenly remembered at that moment that I was pregnant.....

It was too soon to hear my baby's heartbeat, so God placed in my thoughts, "If your baby makes it through this accident, it will make it to the end." A beautiful baby girl was born and grew into a a young lady. She will soon become an Optometrist. We were blessed again later with another baby boy..After he was older, he was told about his brother that had died years before. Once he was old enough to understand, he then said, "Mom, what IF God fixed me and sent me back?" Wow, I was so blown away by that statement. From out of the mouth of babes will come the truth. Right?.....

No matter what we believe or try to understand, we must first know that The Good
Lord does have a purpose. I choose to believe that my baby didn't survive because there would have been possible health problems. I wouldn't have wanted to watch him suffer all of his life..I choose also to believe that God reached down and took him before I could get attached to him....

A friend of mine had lost a baby also. She said that after the death of their child, that she and her husband took comfort in this bible scripture..(please forgive me if I misquote..2 Peter 3:8) ...A day is but a thousand years, and a thousand years is but a day in God's Kingdom..(my friend did the math)..It will have seemed like ONLY minutes in time that would have passed, before we join our little ones in Heaven..We will see our sweet little babies there. They will be healthy and waiting there to be loved by us....

I know now that He chose me to help heal other broken hearts by sharing my story to grieving mothers. I truly understand their sorrow. I have been in their shoes. May
God bless you all with His constant Love and Grace..

SOMETIMES God reaches down and picks the ROSE BUD to watch it BLOOM in Heaven......

Story sent in by Cindy..To help other hurting parents...cope...

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