God's ways are definitely NOT our ways. He is always doing a new thing to get my attention. Sometimes He wakes me up with the title for a new post. Then on another given day, He will place a quote that stays on my mind UNTIL I get the MESSAGE. This morning, lol..I woke up with a song playing in my head..."It takes 2 baby.... it takes 2 baby.....,It takes 2 to MAKE a dream come true". Now that song goes way back in my thoughts. I could not remember the rest of the words. O.K. God...what do you want to reveal to me?.... BEFORE I write a new story, The Lord usually starts givig me little hints. Durng this week, the phrase above would be applied to many situations that came up. It all started to come together resulting in creating the following story. FIRST, the baby is born, a NEW BIRTH. It comes into the world with a cry that indicates that it now is an existing new life It will have needs as it grows. SOMEONE has to become the caretaker(parents). At the beginning it is fed milk ONLY. Later on we gradually ADD other foods to the meal to SATISFY the hunger in order to grow healthy. In our early Christian walk, we are first referred to as "Baby Chistians". Getting into The Word of God FEEDS us spiritual milk to help us grow. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. 1 PETER 2:2-3 (NIV) Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the spirit gives birth to spirit. JOHN 3:6 (NIV) A close friend and I were CALLED by The Spirit into a music ministry in 1995. It took she and I to be in total AGREEMENT (2)to transport and promote the then UNKNOWN music artists..at our own expense. We would do WHATEVER it took.. and continued on until 2004 with joy. The Lord made it clear to us both then, that He wanted us to help others get to where He wanted them to be. We WILLINGLY sowed into many ministries like this. My grandmother called them "Our Spiritual Babies". I asked her to explain this. She replied, "Everyone needs someone to BELIEVE in them."
Today my friend and I can look back and WONDER how in the world we could have done so much with so little funds...GOD MADE A WAY... He always CALLS by His Spirit, then ANNOINTS, and He always SUPPLIES the necessary means to get the job done. Today a smile comes on our faces as we see,and hear some of these babies that are now mature in The Lord MANY years later. What is so REWARDING is to know that she and I had just a LITTLE part in helping them get to where they are now...STILL SINGING FOR THE LORD.
Has The Lord birthed any new ideas in your heart lately? Be led by the spirit and not by the flesh. The Spirit of The Lord will always lead you down the RIGHT path..Enjoy the WIND BENEATH YOUR WINGS..and hang on for the ride of your life..
send in your stories and testimonies to sl@michaelallenmaketing.com
Friday, May 29, 2009
Spiritual Baby
Posted by Angel Writer at 11:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
Audience of One
There was a well-known artist scheduled to PERFORM at our church service this night. I was even more excited that a close friend had accepted an invitation to go with me. The artist just happened to be her favorite gospel singer. And so we were off to a concert together I was BELIEVING that she would get a personal WORD from The Lord...for her needs.The singer was introuced. The choir was all sitting in their mauve and gray robes BEHIND the artist. The santuary was packed to capacity. I looked around and noticed that there were also alot of unfamiliar faces, smiling and ready for the SHOW in our midst. The lights dimmed and it was now SHOWTIME......or...that was what I thought.....As the singer began to sing, I closed my eyes, listening and receiving EVERY word. The song being sung was "I Will Rise Again". For most of us, we KNOW that this is about the ACTUAL crucifixion of Christ being nailed to the cross...Well......I was now deep into my praise and worship mode with both hands lifted high, WHEN..I opened my eyes to SEE a video playing on a HUGE screen of the CRUCIFIXION. The Jesus actor seemed to be looking DIRECTLY at me. I was so OVERWHELMED with its' reality that I no longer was watching the singer, but was visually locked into watching the video ONLY. I found myself ready to flee..."Oh my God, I felt like I was at the ORIGINAL sight where this horrible fact of history took place." I wanted to cry, I looked around at others to see IF they were responding EMOTIONALY like I was...I SAW only smiling faces. I now looked at my friend next to me...She SEEMED very happy. I just closed my eyes NOT to watch anymore..My heart was now in my throat and I was ready to leave as soon as possible. FINALLY, IT WAS FINISHED.....We could go home. I took my friend home. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing once I had reach my own house. I asked "Lord, why am I experiencng this emotion WHEN no one else seemed to be bothered at all.?" He replied "Your eyes and heart were focused on me. Their eyes were focused on the music guest (man)." The tears began to slow down as this revelation came to me. I said "God please tell me THAT you took SOME of the pain away from Jesus as he was being tortured." His reply to me was "NO". The tears resumed flowing again. As I prepared for bed the scene played over and over..again and again...I had to get more answers..I would go to sleep for now.
The next morning I questioned every choir member that had come to my beaty shop for services. NO ONE saw the video that I was talking about. I later called my church, and they said that there had been NO video being played, just the singer PERFORMING alone. O.K.....God.... With those answers, I then knew that I had seen a VISION in a movie format from The Lord and I was the audience of one...Just me and God...This story of mine spread really fast..No one else saw this, but me...hence that making me the audience of one.
This is when I learned to pray "Lord, please help me to be what I need to be, so that EVERYONE that I come in contact with, WILL SEE Christ in me."
Webster's dictionary defines VISION as: the act of seeing or the ABILITY to see, foresight, a SUPERNATURAL apparition.
And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.
Send in your testimony or story to sl@michaelallenmarketing.com
Posted by Angel Writer at 7:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Noonday Sun
Just recently, I received a personal revelation from God based on the following bible verse relating to a recent trying situation in my life.For Go so loved the world, that he gave his only begoten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not PERISH, but have everlasting life. JOHN 3:16 KJV)
"O.K. God, what does this scripture have to do with my recent crisis?" The Holy Spirit then revealed to me the word...UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. We all know that it took ALOT of love for God to let Jesus his only son to be taken and sacrificed for us and all of our sins of the world..That was definitely a good example of the meaning of unconditional. To love someone so much and YET be willing to let them die for a cause or reason, that takes EXTREME love. I never thought that I would EVER have to make such a heart wrenching decision in my lifetime, but I did a few weeks ago.
A conflict arose between two male dogs that we have had since birth. Male dominance took over, and before long unexpected fights would take place often. My biggest fear was that one day that my husband would get seriouly hurt in the process of trying to break them up. Once before just a few scratches...and I knew that I would possibly have to one day give my "Blaze" away. This was a dog that NO ONE WANTED. He had been given to me durng a very sick time in my life. He slept and grew near my side for 4 years. He became very protetive of his mother and a sister of the same breed. The other male was a rat terrier...and much smaller. At 4 years old, Blaze was already 90 lbs. He was normally a very sweet and kind natured dog. I even had him fixed hoping that this would stop him from wanting to jump the much smaller male dog. That dreaded day came...
My husband really needed to go to the hospital for stitches...I loved this dog so much that I was willing to have him put to sleep to keep him from suffering from a future gun shot to his head THE NEXT TIME. I knew that I had to make a SERIOUS decision...even though I really didn't want to. Through my tears and trembling voice I called my vet...who refused to put the dog down. God?...and then I went to the nearest dog pound who WERE willing for a few dollars to do the deed. As I signed Blaze's death papers, I realized that I didn't have any cash on me. The only payment terms....I headed out to get some cash WHEN a policeman STOPPED me just outside the door. He asked me to let him see my dog...He then said "Oh no, this dog is too beautiful and too healthy to kill. Do you really want to put him to sleep?" I said "NO". He then asked if he could ADOPT Blaze...God??? Then out came a worker that said that it was too late...and another worker then came out and said....we will just shred up the paperwork if I wanted to let this gentleman take my dog. God?... I agreed with flowng tears of joy and hugs from my heart. I watched as the man KNELT down and played with Blaze who was now giving him high 5's and kisses. This man was DEFINITELY sent from God...to take care of something that I loved so deeply with all of my heart.....and wanted him to live...not to die...
And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgement as the NOONDAY.. PSALMS 37:6 (KJV) another reference is "Noonday Sun"
The Son was definitely shining on my behalf this day...My heart's cry was heard and The Lord came not only to my dog's rescue, but he also granted my heart's desire for my dog to live. My grief was turned into joy. It has been around 4 weeks since that day. Thoughts of worry and thing that wanted to make me doubt that Blaze was being taken care of. The Lord then instructed me to NOT let anyting make me SECOND GUESS what He has done for me. My flesh was weak and The Lord even let me go SEE where he now lives. After a good cry with a close friend,I can now KNOW that BEYOND any doubt...Blaze is aive and healthy.
send your story in to sl@michaelallenmarketing.com
Posted by Angel Writer at 12:03 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
Enemy in the Camp
Many years ago WHEN my children were younger, going to the nearby mall was the ULTIMATE outing. I was very blessed that it was also within a mile from my home. The video arcade booth was the main gathering place for our young people back then. Parents could been seen sitting at tables in the nearby snack shop DIRECTLY acoss from the arcade. There we watched as our children enjoyed themselves. This became a regular Saturday night event. When there is a good thing going on and a large gathering, you can be sure that the enemy will TRY to invade. They soon did.
There were times WHEN I would be the only parent THERE supervising my children and the children of others. I soon began to notice that as the youth crowd grew, so did the UNWANTED traffic of occult groups. Being made aware of this by The Holy Spirit, I then began to WATCH intently their every move from the moment of their arrival to their final exit. In this small mall, there was just ONE open hall of movement and it could be easily monitored. I would sit with my soft drink and pray for the safety of all of our children....I was a normal "people watcher" anyway...
As the large glass doors opened, in came a group of boys and girls dressed in black clothing with the satanic jewelry and white pale face makeup with the dark blackish lipstick. I saw the obvious leader round up his followers in the center and then send his workers out into different direcions. There was this one young lady who just didn't seem to look or fit into this group...She also looked VERY frightened...The leader was now hugging and making sexual caressing moves on her...no more detail is needed. I soon found myself praying for her protecton against whatever they were trying to RECRUIT her into. As she attempted to pull away, he would then grab her again.
I then started focusing on the other boys and girls to see what they were doing. The girls would approach young men and then flirt and ask for money. It didn't matter if they had their girlfriend with them either. Donations were given to them most of the time to just be rid of their embarrassing advances and pleading for money. Of course I then soon discovered that the boys were doing the same exact thing. Each time that money was given, the boy or girl would then hurriedy run back to the leader with their earnings. He stayed at this one location and never moved from his post. He just waited on his workers to report back to him.
After a certain amount of funds were gathered, they would then go shopping. That brought them to a music store even closer to me. That is when I could actually SEE what they had purchased. Not to my surprise, a heavy metal ungodly cd complete with the skeleton satanic look. I heard them discussing WHAT and WHERE they were going to go meet AFTER the mall would be closed. It was going to be a gathering at a nearby graveyard. A sudden chill came over me...and then I heard this yell "Hey You!" I looked around toward the direcion it came from...then...I heard again "Hey you!" This time I found myself LOOKING directly almost face to face at the leader just a few feet from me..."Yeah, you" He sounded very threatening. I prayed "Lord,you need to send in help, he is definitely mad at me. How does he know me?" I then looked down at my hands which were cupped in the "praying hands" position. His dark spirit RECOGNIZED the Spirit of Christ in me...and it angered him. I knew that God had to come to my aid and QUICK.
SUDDENLY, in comes the youth pastor and his group "The Skyscrapers" all dressed in WHITE t-shirts. I felt a huge sigh of relief. It sounded like a army coming to my rescue chattering and laughing. They were there to WITNESS and headed straight to the satanic group who started to scatter fast..and exit the mall..The darkness had to flee. They were ready for the battle against the darkness..and had their full armor of The Lord on..
When the enemy comes in like a flood, He willl lift up a standard against them...
They charge like warriors; they scale walls like soldiers. They all march in line, not swerving from their course. JOEL 2: 7 (NIV)
send your stories to sl@michaelallenmarketing.com
Posted by Angel Writer at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Crutches Left Behind
It's another night BEHIND the scenes PRAYING protection for all of the actors protraying real life reinactments. This traveling media production comes to our area yearly to offer the complete polar OPPOSITE alternative choice to the celebrating of the pagan holiday known as HALLOWEEN. It is a Christian outreach that brings in crowds by the thousands to view the reality scenes that can literally touch your heart and soul and bring one to his or her knees to TRUE repentance and total deliverance from any life detroying choices.The previous night producion had aready encountered a visit from a real praticing witch trying to cast a curse on the "Family Violence" scene which was told in the story posted earlier called "Reverse the Curse". It was now one night closer to October 31st, so therefore we knew that things were DEFINITELY going to get more interesting and more TRYING. We as INTERCESSSORS, were always ready and prayed up JUST IN CASE. Once in awhile The Holy Spirit would LEAD me to go outside and search the crowds for possible trouble makers..There they were... The gift of disearnment kicked in and the visual eyes CLEARLY saw their little group HUDDLED around something or someone. There seemed to be also a greenish cloud around this THING that was in the middle. At first it didn't look human. Then it took on the shape of an elf like form with 2 large pointed ears. The kind that you see pictures in the bible called DEMONS that represent evil. It was now being supported by 2 crutches. His whole physical being was very ODD and not human. He seemed to be the leader and was giving out intructions..by using his hands and pointing...This looked like potential trouble.I knew that this group would definitely need to be monitored. I once again notified the organizer and the other intercessors to be on guard. I actually got into the group along with them and other prayer warriors. We FOLLOWED them THROUGH all of the scenes praying silently. They seemed to be aware of us. Every once in awhile this group would throw a glance at me or other team members. From the beginning of the car wreck scene,the abortion scene and all the way to the final choice to exit through the door to Heaven or Hell, we watched them closely. AT THE CROSS with a Jesus actually hanging on a cross.. moving and bleeding...I heard a mocking laughter that sent chills through my whole body as the preacher would read scriptures from his bible to the audience. All of us were there to pray AGAINST anything evil that would try and manifest itself...BUT....no one EXCEPT ME in our group seemed to HEAR this horrible sneering laughter. The Holy Spirit instructed me to look up to see if the thing was levitating, yes levitating...., nothing....THEN....I saw it hiding....BEHIND Jesus on the Cross...It was laughing again and when it saw that I COULD SEE it, it looked down and away...and went and hid behind the cross..I waited for everyone to exit including the actor Jesus to get off of the Cross for his 5 minute break. I looked again, but that demon looking thing was not there. Where was this thing? Where did it go? Where were his crutches? He DID NOT EXIT out the normal way with the rest of the crowd. How could this be possible?I found myself asking "Lord, where did he go?" The Holy Spirit replied " The Demon COULDN'T go past the cross...he had to exit another way. The next door was a heaven scene with angels singing and the book of life waitig to be signed...Darkness has to flee the light." He had to BACK TRACK through the hell scene where he belonged...or SOMETHING else...We will not go there in this story...but there is more, ALOT more.When I exited the last door, I found other intercessors scattering everywhere, as if they were looking for SOMEONE, then...I heard..."We found the crutches, but WHERE did he go?..Later we got together and discussed this episode...This had definitely been another encounter with the NOT GODLY KIND....And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy groud. KJV (EXODUS 3:5)"Don't come any closer," God told him. "Take off your shoes for you are standing on holy ground." THE LIVING BIBLE (EXODUS 3:5)Once the demon spirit entered into the throne room with Jesus..and the Cross...he could NOT stay and he couldn't go any further......He had to hide from the light of Christ...HE HAD TO FLEE...Send your story to sl@michaelallenmarketing.com
Posted by Angel Writer at 11:25 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Mirror Mirror
It began as a normal morning routine. I got up, I ate my beakfast and then brushed my teeth. As I was finishing up this routine, I found my self REALLY examining my reflection in the mirror. I asked "Lord, am I supposed to be seeing something more than just my reflection this morning?" Revelation has come from The Lord this way before. After a few minutes of waiting, I got nothing. I then preceded to get dressed to go to work.
I was now at work doing the normal opening up routine. I first would turn on the computer, unlock the filing cabinet, open office doors, and then make morning coffee. As I sat down at my desk to open email info, I heard in that still small voice "Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" I thought, Lord, that is some fairytale story from long ago. I don't remember the actual story, but knew that I would have to do some research to read and then GET the final meaning to this Holy Spirit revelation. God has me do this to know BEYOND a shadow of any doubt that these revelations are from him.
During this day I would find myself "hearing" that same phrase over and over. I looked up the definition of mirror...Webster's dictionary defines it as following.
mirror-(1)a polished surface especially of glass that reflects light,and on which images can therefore be seen--a true protrayal or representation--(2) to reflect in a mirror.
Ok, I had looked intensely into my mirror at home...What did The Lord want me to understand from this? I began to search within me for the answer. I pulled out my bible and began to research different key words to find particular scriptures. I looked under the words mirror, reflection and TRIED to remember WHICH children's story from long ago had these words in it and WHO and what kind of character was it protraying. I knew that eventually I would have the answer and then I would be able to write the story...and so here it is.
The phrase "Mirror mirror on the wall had entered my mind many times BEFORE I got this revelation....I asked my self...Who IS the fairest of them all...of course GOD is..In a recent trying situation that I was going through, I truly was and am depending on God to come through for my son who is incarserated for now. I have always told him, that "ONLY God and a good lawyer could get him out of this situation." I assumed that perhaps this mirror mirror phrase was a reminder to me to keep believing for a good report for my son to be out soon.
There were many circumstances that this ONE LINER had meaning for during this work week. Questions to me from others would come up and I could hear this phrase roll over in my thoughts again and again. I began to share this phrase as led by the Holy Spirit with a few people. It would take on special revelation of meaning to whomever I would share it with. For me, I was determined to FIND that story book fairytale...As a christian, these stories don't have the SAME meaning like they used to...In the fairytale phase (the world) it is harmless..In the Christian world (spiritual) it takes on a totally different meaning.
When you look into your mirror at home...do you see what you REALLY look like? Does your mirror REFLECT back to you your REAL REFLECTION? Have you noticed that DIFFERENT mirrors even make you look different? I have worked for many years standing in front of a mirror doing hair and truly know the difference of a true reflection in a mirror along with good lighting. I have even noticed in alot of clothing shops that I LOOK so much smaller...I know that reflection is nice, but NOT a true reflection of me...Do you know your true reflection? This little phrase really got me to seriously questioning myself and all of my mannerisms. I asked myself "Am I truly reflecting on the outside to others WHO I am on the inside?" I pray that my reflection inside and out ARE the same.
Now it is the weekend and the Holy Spirit prompted me to put a movie dvd in and relax. I did and guess what..."Mirror mirror and the wall, who is the fairest of them all" preview was rolling. There it was...Snow White cartoon preview, with lots of revelation for me...Ok God...lol.. She had been poisoned and in the end she came back to life to live happy ever after with her prince...The End..
James 1:23-27 (NIV)
Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at this face in a mirror and after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it-he will be blessed in what he does. If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
"Lord please help me be the true reflection of you to everyone who comes in contact with me so that they WILL SEE you in me and not just me." Amen
Send your stories to sl@michaelallenmarketing.com
Posted by Angel Writer at 1:37 PM 0 comments