Friday, February 6, 2009


As a christian, we should always try to encourage others to believe God's written word for all of their needs. You can find resource scriptures listed in the concordance of your bible. Read the truth for yourself to get all of your answers. As we read and continue to grow in our knowledge of the Word of God, we also learn how to pray for our personal needs and for other also. God's Word will never return void to the believer. Read it, use it, quote it and most of all, believe it to be true when ever a need may arise in your life.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven....
Ecclesiates 3:1 KJV

Have you ever noticed that most of our serious medical needs seem to come after business hours? Most emergency needs happen in the midnight hours leading into the next morning. How many trips have you made to the hospital emergency room on the weekends?

My right leg had been bothering me all day and it was now closing time for my beauty shop. By 5 p.m . the pain was now moving down my leg from my knee and ending at the ankle. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to go to the hospital. I had already had a very a similar experience like this in the past. These symptoms felt very familiar. The pain was now becoming severe.

Because of my current financial status, the hospital trip would option number 2. First I was going to try and pray the pain away. I didn't have any kind of insurance coverage at this time. I had no extra money. I desperately needed a healing touch from God.

I walked, I prayed, and I quoted all healing scripture that I could possibly recall. I got dressed, I got undressed...I sat, I stood, and I continued to pace the floor while praying for help during a 3 hour span. The pain was still increasing and I needed relief and soon. I was growing very tired. I even gave my affliction a name and then asked God to remove it IN THE NAME OF JESUS.

It was now around 1:30 am and I was even quoting scripture telling the devil to leave me alone. I said "Lord, I have had enough, nothing seems to be helping." I didn't know what else I could do but to go ahead and call an ambulance to come pick me up....WHEN....a still small voice instructed me to sit down. I did so. I was told to place my hand on my knee where the pain was, the pain went away. I moved my hand a little further down the placing my hand now on the calf. The pain went away. I then did the same on the ankle and once more the pain left. It was an amazing warm and numbing feeling. Each time that my hand would touch...the area...the pain immediately would leave.. All pain was now gone .WOW! I then sat there in awe. I asked God "What has just happened?" His rely was "I have just given you the gift of healing". Well, I know that there was pain and now there was no more pain. I then asked " Lord WHY did He let me go through so much suffering for so long?" His reply was "Because I know that you have to know beyond the shadow of any doubt that it was me healing you. When you had no more strenth in yourself, that is when I made you well". O.K. God what am I supposed to do now I asked.?" He replied "Speak my Word and they shall be healed".

Within a short period of time, my first assignment came the next day. At the Sunday morning church service, I had noticed a lady with alot of cotton stuffed in both of her ears. It seemed to be sticking out of both of her ears. I then heard her share with some ladies after church that she was in severe pain and needed prayer. I was about to leave WHEN the ladies motioned for me to join them. I said OK Lord,what am I supposed to do? I opened my bible and my eyes fell on this scripture. The Lord said "This will be your healing scripture to quote WHEN I annoint you to pray for the afflicted." As we gathered together, some with their hands on her while we prayed, I quoted the bible scripture written below.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.
Psalms 34:19 KJV

After the prayer time was over, the lady declared that all of her pain was gone. The only thing that I told her was that she had been healed not because we had prayed, but because she had believed. It was God's word and her faith that had made her well, not me or us. All things are possible to those who believe. There many other testimonies like this where only God's word needed to be spoken and many people were healed.

They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
KJV Mark 16:18

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