Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Isaiah Chapter 8:19-20 (Living Bible)

So why are you trying to find out the future by CONSULTING witches and mediums?" Don't listen to their whisperings and mutterings. Can the living find out the future from the dead? Why not ask your God?" "Check these witches against the word of God!"He says "If their messages are different than mine, it is because I have not sent them; for they have no light or truth in them".

Have you ever read the newspaper horoscopes JUST FOR FUN? Are you tempted to call those psychic hot lines to talk JUST FOR FUN? Have you ever visited a card reader JUST FOR FUN? Have you ever played the games Dungeons and Dragons, or read the Harry Potter books JUST FOR FUN? Which master do you serve? We can only serve ONE.

Be aware of THE wolves in sheep's clothing. Things aren't always as they APPEAR to be. This passage completely convinced me that not ALL who say they are doing THE LORD'S WORK is actually doing CHRIST THE SAVIOR'S work. Be ye not deceived..

This revelation came to me after a card reading experience with a friend. It started out as MAYBE a fun thing to do with a friend. I wouldn't participate, but just be there. Fear was already starting to engulf me, but I went anyway. The card reader read and translated the cards and message for my friend. She suggested that I get my cards read also, of course for a nice set price...I said no. That was visit number 1.

On visit number 2, my friend was having husband woes and suspected him of having an affair. She was now going NOT JUST FOR FUN. She wanted details and she wanted it fixed. This person FOR A SPECIAL PRICE offered to do whatever was needed to fix her problem. My friend of course needed to purchase some really ODD things to be used later. A kind of ritual thingy. It started out as a fun thing remember?

The card reader started in on insisting that I let her read my cards. So I said, "Sure, go ahead". To really make this story short, she told me that my husband would die soon in an offshore accident. . He was actually out on a rig in the Gulf of Mexico at this time. I kept my eyes focused on her and not the cards she was dealing out on the table. Kinda solitare like display. As she spoke words of impending doom regarding my husband, her rage toward me seemed to increase. When she was finished, she said.."But for a price, I can stop it." I had asked God to prepare the way for me BEFORE leaving my house. I asked for protection and guidance. I also asked him to be the "keeper to the door of my lips and be in control of whatever situation that might come up." Suddenly I stood up and said "If my husband dies tonight, it will be his time to die and not just because you said he would. The God that I serve is stronger and more powerful than the god you serve. We stood up to leave. She insisted on having SOMETHING of my personal belongings. I didn't want to leave anything of mine behind. What was she going to do with it anyway? My friend ended up giving one of my shop business cards to her. My friend worked for me. I was still not having fun, I was now very scared. Why after all of this did she want my card? That night all kind of things ENTERED my thoughts...Fear is a terrible thing...REMEMBER that FEAR is not of God . That is in the bible. I love the 2 following word association that are simple reminders to GRASP when in a dire situation or trial.

E=evidence (FEAR) = deceit

I went home and got down on my knees and began to intercede in prayer for my husband's safety. I asked the Lord to SHOW me in His Word a scripture concerning this He did more. He gave me revelation and a clearer understanding. The Lord instructed me to get my bible and then let the pages open on their own. When the pages stopped turning, the above scripture was in front of my eyes to read. It was a definite answer from God concerning my situation. Yes, the rig blew up that night. No, my husband did not die. He and others had been notified in route when the job was cancelled and were sent back home before they could reach the oil platform. My God intervened. That is my story and I am sticking to it.

The Bible is the ultimate HOW TO BOOK.. It has all of the answers to your questions. His service is FREE. "Ask and you shall receive". Following the prince of lies will COST you..Which master do you TRULY serve?

B=before (BIBLE) = Truth


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