Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Isaiah Chapter 8:19-20 (Living Bible)

So why are you trying to find out the future by CONSULTING witches and mediums?" Don't listen to their whisperings and mutterings. Can the living find out the future from the dead? Why not ask your God?" "Check these witches against the word of God!"He says "If their messages are different than mine, it is because I have not sent them; for they have no light or truth in them".

Have you ever read the newspaper horoscopes JUST FOR FUN? Are you tempted to call those psychic hot lines to talk JUST FOR FUN? Have you ever visited a card reader JUST FOR FUN? Have you ever played the games Dungeons and Dragons, or read the Harry Potter books JUST FOR FUN? Which master do you serve? We can only serve ONE.

Be aware of THE wolves in sheep's clothing. Things aren't always as they APPEAR to be. This passage completely convinced me that not ALL who say they are doing THE LORD'S WORK is actually doing CHRIST THE SAVIOR'S work. Be ye not deceived..

This revelation came to me after a card reading experience with a friend. It started out as MAYBE a fun thing to do with a friend. I wouldn't participate, but just be there. Fear was already starting to engulf me, but I went anyway. The card reader read and translated the cards and message for my friend. She suggested that I get my cards read also, of course for a nice set price...I said no. That was visit number 1.

On visit number 2, my friend was having husband woes and suspected him of having an affair. She was now going NOT JUST FOR FUN. She wanted details and she wanted it fixed. This person FOR A SPECIAL PRICE offered to do whatever was needed to fix her problem. My friend of course needed to purchase some really ODD things to be used later. A kind of ritual thingy. It started out as a fun thing remember?

The card reader started in on insisting that I let her read my cards. So I said, "Sure, go ahead". To really make this story short, she told me that my husband would die soon in an offshore accident. . He was actually out on a rig in the Gulf of Mexico at this time. I kept my eyes focused on her and not the cards she was dealing out on the table. Kinda solitare like display. As she spoke words of impending doom regarding my husband, her rage toward me seemed to increase. When she was finished, she said.."But for a price, I can stop it." I had asked God to prepare the way for me BEFORE leaving my house. I asked for protection and guidance. I also asked him to be the "keeper to the door of my lips and be in control of whatever situation that might come up." Suddenly I stood up and said "If my husband dies tonight, it will be his time to die and not just because you said he would. The God that I serve is stronger and more powerful than the god you serve. We stood up to leave. She insisted on having SOMETHING of my personal belongings. I didn't want to leave anything of mine behind. What was she going to do with it anyway? My friend ended up giving one of my shop business cards to her. My friend worked for me. I was still not having fun, I was now very scared. Why after all of this did she want my card? That night all kind of things ENTERED my thoughts...Fear is a terrible thing...REMEMBER that FEAR is not of God . That is in the bible. I love the 2 following word association that are simple reminders to GRASP when in a dire situation or trial.

E=evidence (FEAR) = deceit

I went home and got down on my knees and began to intercede in prayer for my husband's safety. I asked the Lord to SHOW me in His Word a scripture concerning this He did more. He gave me revelation and a clearer understanding. The Lord instructed me to get my bible and then let the pages open on their own. When the pages stopped turning, the above scripture was in front of my eyes to read. It was a definite answer from God concerning my situation. Yes, the rig blew up that night. No, my husband did not die. He and others had been notified in route when the job was cancelled and were sent back home before they could reach the oil platform. My God intervened. That is my story and I am sticking to it.

The Bible is the ultimate HOW TO BOOK.. It has all of the answers to your questions. His service is FREE. "Ask and you shall receive". Following the prince of lies will COST you..Which master do you TRULY serve?

B=before (BIBLE) = Truth


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Together we can inspire others...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Go Away Box

My grandmother always had her unique sayings, those famous "one liners."One day I noticed a certain item was missing from it's familar spot in her home in Arkansas. I asked her where it was, and she replied "Oh I put it in the GO AWAY BOX." I then asked her if she had given the item away, and she said "No, it's still in the go away box." I had no idea of what she was talking about. This was new information to me.

Now you ask, what is a go away box? I had never really heard her speak of it before. Of course I am older now, and I just may be tuning in better. This was another way to say that I was listening INSTEAD of talking. I am still working on both of them.

I was really interested to see WHERE that go away box was...I was not seeing her little Charlie Brown Christmas tree that had been decorated for many Christmas years past. I had personally seen this SAME little tree decorated for 41 years of my adult life. A new miniature green tree was now sitting on that stool. It had all of those same familiar ornaments of those years past. IT JUST DIDN'T LOOK RIGHT being there.! Where was our Charlie Brown? I was hoping to find it, and believing it would be soon.

It was one of the first miniature silver tinsel Christmas trees made many many years ago. It stood approximately barely 12 inches high. For years my grandmother would put a string of those OUTDOOR Christmas lights, those BIG blue, green & red ones that people usually use on their outside roof area! Those lights were really too big and we almost felt sorry for that little tree. She would then take gobs of icicles and lots of silver garland and attempt to fill in those once full branches . After many years of use, mostly wire with a few strings of tinsel were now visable. This little tree without all of her love and decorations, TRULY was a ugly Charlie Brown Christmas tree story come alive. It then was topped off with a tattered siver & gold little star. It was held together with a pipe cleaner. In her eyes, that tree of many years was still beautiful. One day one of her care takers suggested that she give it up...She refused to THROW it away. She told her helper to go put it into her " GO AWAY BOX". She said that the little tree was probably still there. I hurried off hoping to find it. THERE IT WAS! The box was in a corner and I dug with excitement until I found Charlie Brown. It was still there, and now it would become mine. A treasure to keep with a nice story to share. I asked my grandmother if I could have it. Of course she said yes, and I safely packed it very carefully to take home to Louisiana.

Charlie Brown has been a center piece on my dining table now for several years at Christmas time. I still have those same old decorations. I have had to replace some of those bulbs and of course purchse more garland and icicles over the years as needed.. My children at first couldn't believe that I was actually going to keep this thing. They thought that I had finally lost it when I brought it home. Each year as I began to decorate it, a smile can be seen on my face. My grandmother has now passed away. This tree has an even more special meaning to me. There have been many times WHEN Charlie Brown was ALMOST thrown away by accident. Yes, Virginia, there really is a Charlie Brown Christmas tree....

It is amazing how Love can change something ugly into something so beautiful.

Have a Blessed Holiday and a Happy New Year 2009.

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Let's all smile together. I would love to share them with the world.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Simple Prayer

Forty years ago I had a close encounter with a near death experience. It happened a couple weeks after the birth of my oldest child. My kidneys went into total shutdown and I ended up in a coma. My family from out of state were called to my death bed. The doctors had said that it was up to God and me IF I lived. The Doctor informed my 2 families that it would definitely be a miracle IF I would come out of this. IF I did, they needed to be prepared that I would be brain dead or a total vegetable. No hope was given for me to recover.

When I was on my death bed, I CLEARLY remember the dream state that I was in. To my family, I appeared to be just asleep. The vital signs showed no encouragement. I myself, had the sensation of drifting or floating toward this bright light that seemed to be at the end of a tunnel. It seemed to beckon me on toward it. I could hear the most ANGELIC sounding music that seemed to lullaby me to come closer. I still, to this day can't describe the AWESOMENESS of it. ANGELIC would be the only descriptive word that I can come up with.

I could hear my family crying. I asked "Lord why are they crying?" He replied"They don't want you to leave them." I felt so much peace and no pain. I could hear my husband and family members crying. I heard my mother-in-law say" We need to pray". I heard my husband reply "Mom, I don't know how to pray anymore." She then said this SIMPLE PRAYER. " Dear Lord, if you are finished with what you want her to do on this earth, then take her from us now. If you are NOT finished, then Dear Lord, let her live to take care of her new born daughter and husband." I actually heard her pray this. I said "Lord, what should I do, and He replied, you have to make that decision." I woke up.. The Doctor said that it was definitely a miracle. I not only had come out of the coma of several days, but had substained no permanent brain or bodily impairment. A simple prayer is sometimes all we need to pray to God. God's word says "Ask not, receive not".

I love sharing what The Lord has done in my life...He is no respector of persons. Send your stories or testimonies to the address below. No story is too short or too long to share with this world.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Silent Prayer

Everyone experiences times WHEN an unusual episode may occur and can be hard to explain. The world may label it as a paranormal experience , while the Christian will classify it as a dishearning of spirits. Dishearning of spirits is KNOWING what is of God and what IS NOT. TERMINOLOGY will definitely let the world know WHICH master you serve. My first experience happened while I was in high school many many years ago.

At school this morning many years ago, my father entered my thoughts. I had an increasing urge to call home. SOMETHING was wrong. I stopped and prayed. It was a major decision to CALL HOME, but the impending DANGER thought wouldn't go away until I DID make that phone call later. First of all, I was very concerned IF my stepmother would even give me enough time to explain WHY I was calling. I knew that it had to be a very short conversation when I did. Below is the call made.

"Mother, this is -----, Is daddy alright?" She heard me choosing my words very carefully. "As far as I know, she replied." He isn't home from his trucking route yet." I then told her that I had a feeling that he was in danger and I needed to know if he was alright. I told her that I would just pray. I did and some relief did come. I manage to go back to focusing on school classes for the rest of the day.

When I got home from school that afternoon, there was daddy and mother waiting for me in the living room. Dad's face was so pale. He had this strange look on his face. I searched the stepmother's expression and noticed the exact same pale face. She said that daddy needed to tell me something. I sat down and waited for him to start talking.

"I was almost killed this morning." I lost control of my 18 wheeler and before I knew what was happening, my truck was headed over the bridge railing to impending certain death many feet below. Amost as fast as it was happening, like in slow motion, I felt my truck being lifted and put BACK on the highway that I was traveling on. The once running motor was now turned off." He said that he couldn't explain it, BUT he knew that God had devinely intervened for him and spared his life. I was amazed, they both really BELEIVED what I had told them and The Lord was CONFIRMING back to me that I had heard from Him to pray. Now I pray for people who need help as The Lord places them on my heart, and I might add SILENTLY....

That was the 1st of many "SILENT PRAYER" testimonies. There will be more testimonies to come. To God ALL of the Glory be given.

Have you had any Devine interventions or Revelations from the Heavenly Throne room? If so, please send them in to the email address below........Let's all rejoice together........

The Desert Trip

This story is about a man and his camel that were going to take a trip across the hot desert. As you know, a camel is equipped to travel many days without water or rest. Man, however needs plenty of rest and food to survive on a daily basis. The man on this day and his camel set out on their trip. After many miles of walking, it was now time to stop and rest. The man begain to set up his tent for shelter from the scorching sun. Just as the tired man was preparing to lay his head down to rest....the camel popped his head in. "Master, can I come into the tent with you?" The master replied, "There is not enought room". A few minutes later, the camel once more popped his head in and asked "Master, can I at least put my head in?" The Master replied,"Allright, just your head." Little by little the camel INCHED his whole body into the tent. Now the master could be seen OUTSIDE with the camel now inside by himself. The poor master without shelter & food was growing weaker by the moment. Slowly the master was dying.



The master was a GIVER, and the camel was a taker. TAKERS want what they do not need, BUT will do whatever it takes to get what they want . It's always all about SELF. The GIVERS give until they literally have nothing left to give and sometimes even endanger their own situations.....This one of the ways that the enemy can take advantage of the Christian.

Before you make a decision seek The Lord and His will in any given situation...Is it a NEED or is it a GREED...

Do you have any camels in your tent. Then IT IS NOW TIME to take back your tent and put the camel OUT where he belongs...

Got any stories to share...if so send them to

Jesus told parables....This short story is an example of that. ENJOY....

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Trip to the market

This story is about a man, his young son, and an old donkey who take a trip to the market place in downtown Jerusalem. The man, donkey and his son head out on their journey to purchase food and supplies for their family. As they reach the market place, they were traveling down the center street with crowds gathered on both sides of the street. The man was walking and the young boy was riding. The man heard a voice yell "Look at that, that boy is too lazy to walk !' The man stopped and then reached up and removed the boy. He then mounted the donkey and now the little boy was walking. A little further down the road another comment was echoed, "Look at that man making that poor little boy walk. He should be the one walking instead!" The man stopped again and dismounted the donkey. He could now be seen walking beside the his son as they continued toward their destination. Then above the roar of the crowds came a voice shouting "Look at that lazy old donkey, he is too old and worthless making the man and his little boy walk!" Suddenly there was a great silence. Not a sound could be heard. The man and the little boy were now carrying the old donkey, with his front & back legs tied to a pole as they continued to work their way toward the market area.

QUESTION: What is the moral of this story?


If we listen to the world for guidance and approval, we will never really hear what God wants us to do. Listen to what The Lord has placed in your heart, and continue on that journey that He has planned for you. Keep your eyes on God and not on man. He won't mislead or misdirect you.

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Let the world read them...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Widowed Lady

This story is about an elderly widowed lady who lived alone in a secluded wooded area on the outskirts of town. She was known for her faith. She occasionally would go to town to purchase items to restock her pantry. She was was saying her daily morning prayer and did not notice that she was being watched by the 3 little boys who were known for their michievous pranks. She continued "Dear God please help me, I am too sick to get out today and I am very hungry.." The boys exchanged glances and then hurried off to carry out their evil plot. The next day they returned and then placed the needed groceries on the old woman's porch. They knocked and then quickly to watch as the old lady opened the door to find the needed supply of food. She bent down and gathered the groceries before going back into her house.

A couple of days later, they returned to visit her. They knocked and she invited them in. They proceeded to tell her how they had heard her praying. They came to see if her God had answered her prayer. She replied "Yes, He did" They then informed her that it had not been her God that had brought the food, but that it had really been them instead. She listened to every word that came out of their mouth. When they were finished, she relied with a soft but firm voice "It may have bee the devil who had brought the food, but it was still my God who had sent it" The boys left shaking their heads. This was not the end results that they had waited on.

QUESTION? What is the Moral of this story?

God is with us in any given situation, and if you look to him, He will always there when you need help. He is a way maker. He will make a way when there seems to be no way to send us our answered prayer. He will never let you down. Keep your eyes focused on God and trust Him to meet ALL of your needs.

If you would like to share your stories or testimonies on this blog, please email them to me at

Be Blessed,